September 15, 2020 4.04 pm This story is over 52 months old

Gang attack woman jailed again for drug dealing

She went to Grantham to sell cocaine

A woman who was locked up for over two years for her part in a gang attack has been put back behind bars after being caught drug dealing.

Mariah Fraser, 21, was among a group of girls who attacked Nottingham teenager Mariam Moustafa in the city back in 2018.

Miss Moustafa, 18, suffered a stroke within hours of the attack and later died but no charge of unlawful killing was brought as investigators were unable to prove a link between her death and the attack.

Mariah Fraser, one of the girls involved in the attack, later received eight months youth custody for an offence of affray when she was sentenced in June 2019.

Lincoln Crown Court was told that less than a year after Fraser was released she was arrested again after travelling to Grantham to sell cocaine.

Paul Mytton, prosecuting, said that Fraser was caught after police received a tip-off about drug dealing at a property in Brook Street in the town.

Two special constables approached the house and saw Fraser getting into a taxi with a 15-year-old girl.

“The constables stopped the taxi. The defendant immediately admitted to being in possession of what she described as sniff.

“From her jacket pocket the officers found 13 wraps of cocaine and in her rucksack there was a machete.”

Fraser had £1,160 cash on her and also had an illegal pepper spray.

“Her mobile phone was examined. Messages were found on it suggesting drug dealing activity and there were recordings of her and another person handling the knife.

“She made some comments to the police officers about the knife and the drugs suggesting she had effectively been made to do it.”

The court was told she had 10 previous convictions for a total of 15 offences, although none for drug offences.

Fraser, of Sherbrook Road, Daybrook, Nottingham, admitted charges of possession of cocaine with intent to supply, possession of a bladed article, possession of a pepper spray and possession of criminal property as a result of being stopped on March 31 this year.

She was jailed for 28 months.

Judge Catarina Sjolin Knight, passing sentence, told her: “Dealing in class A drugs is a really serious matter.”

Making reference to Fraser’s previous offending the judge added: “The affray had an awful ending but that didn’t have a chastening effect. The fact that it didn’t have a chastening effect concerns me.”

Damian Sabino, in mitigation, said that after serving her sentence for the affray charge Fraser was living on her own and was unable to support herself.

“She is a vulnerable individual. She was introduced to a friend by another friend. She was made an offer that at the time she felt she couldn’t refuse.

“They were taken to Grantham. They were given the drugs and they were taken to the house. They were told to sell drugs. She was given the knife and the pepper spray by the drug dealer and told she might need them for her own protection. “

Mr Sabino said that Fraser has learning disabilities and has been diagnosed with ADHD and post traumatic stress disorder.

“She is, in my submission, an offender whose vulnerability has been exploited.”