September 22, 2020 10.09 am This story is over 52 months old

Pupil tests positive for COVID-19 at Lincoln primary school

The pupil has been self-isolating for over a week

A pupil in Reception has tested positive for coronavirus at a primary school in Lincoln.

Our Lady of Lincoln Catholic Primary School on Laughton Way sent a text message to parents on Monday, September 21 confirming the pupil received a positive test result during the past weekend.

The pupil has been self-isolating away from school since September 11 due to family members receiving a positive test.

The Local Health Protection Team were informed and confirmed that the bubble should be contained where possible and remain open.

No other children within the bubble have presented symptoms of COVID-19.

Earlier this month the same school sent text messages to parents about having to close a whole year group over fears of coronavirus after a number of children were sent home poorly.