October 22, 2020 4.48 pm This story is over 44 months old

New COVID support for employers announced by government

More money for less work

Major changes to the government’s support schemes for employers and staff have been revealed.

On Thursday chancellor Rishi Sunak said the changes were “more generous” for employers who were able to open, but were still struggling under coronavirus restrictions.

A revision to the jobs support scheme will see staff only have to work just one day a week, instead of a third of their normal hours, and employees will only have to pay for 5% of their wages before government will meet another 62% of wages for hours not worked.

The self-employed income support grants will also increase from 20% to 40% of average profits to a maximum of £3,750.

Finally, a new grant scheme will open up for businesses such as hospitality, leisure and accommodation in tier 2, even if they can open, up to a maximum of £2,100 a month – backdated to August.

“Our plan for jobs will support British people and businesses wherever they live and whatever their situation,” said Mr Sunak

“We will listen and respond to peoples’ concerns as the situation evolves.”

He added: “This is a plan to support the British people.”

During the conference Prime Minister Boris Johnson again reiterated his opinion that choosing between another national lockdown or letting the virus run loose would only make the situation worse.

He again thanked people for their compliance with the guidelines and outlined how treatments and medicines were continuing to get better.