October 7, 2020 3.51 pm This story is over 44 months old

Transgender ex PCSO found with explosives and gun appears in court

Police are still searching her house

A former Lincolnshire Police PCSO suspended by the force after a number of weapons and explosive chemicals were found at her house in Lincoln, is a YouTube survivalist and LGBT campaigner, seen brandishing an array of weapons.

Zoe Ashley Watts, 34, of St Helen’s Avenue, was formerly a member of the Bracebridge Lowfields Community Police Team working in the south of Lincoln. She then moved into a different role and has worked for the force for nine years.

On Wednesday, police confirmed that she had been charged with one count of importing prohibited weapons with intent to evade a prohibition or restriction and one count of making an explosive substance for an unlawful purpose.

Zoe, who was also a trade union activist serving as the equalities officer for the Lincolnshire Police UNISON, appeared at Lincoln Magistrates Court during the afternoon of Wednesday, October 7.

Not all the charges were put to the defendant at this stage and she was remanded into custody for a further hearing at Lincoln Magistrates Court on Friday, October 9.

Zoe has her own YouTube channel called Survival Mistakes. | Still: YouTube

It has since emerged that Zoe, formerly known as Kyle Ashley Jake Watts, has her own YouTube channel called Survival Mistakes, where she has published several videos including how to create shotgun shell survival kits and tampon fire rockets.

In a video entitled ‘Coming Out’ With The Lacerating Glass Bigot Twatter (LGBT), Zoe smashes watermelons with a bat, with masks of famous faces on them including Donald Trump and Boris Johnson.

Zoe Watts with a collection of bats. | Still: YouTube

Police are also continuing to search her property on St Helen’s Avenue. They anticipate that searches will continue at the home over the next couple of days.

Police were carrying out more searches on St Helen’s Avenue. | Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Zoe used to be a PCSO before moving into a different role within the force. | Photo: Facebook

Lincolnshire Police and other emergency services were called to a property at St Helen’s Avenue in Lincoln in relation to an ongoing criminal investigation during the afternoon of Sunday, October 4.

Safety checks were carried out by the Bomb Disposal Squad before the area was declared safe and residents were allowed back into their homes just after 4pm.

Later police also found what appeared to be a shotgun in a car boot.