November 4, 2020 4.13 pm This story is over 50 months old

Majority of county council services to continue during lockdown

A long list of services still available

Lincolnshire County Council has said the majority of its services will continue during lockdown, including tips, core libraries, inquests and funerals.

Lincoln Castle’s grounds will be open daily from 10am-4pm, seven days a week, as a green space for exercise and wellbeing.

Council leader Martin Hill said several services will continue without change, while others will operate differently.

However, all the council’s heritage sites and some of its registration services such as weddings will be closed during the lockdown period, which is currently expected to run from Thursday, November 4 until December 2.

During lockdown the council will continue to offer the following:

  • All its core services for its most vulnerable older residents, children and young people are running as usual
  • Maternity hubs remain open at nine children’s centres, enabling midwives to offer appointments away from hospitals
  • All its core libraries and a number of community hubs across the county will be open, but only for the collection of reserved books (click and collect services) and for residents to use pre-booked public access computers and to use essential digital services. There will be no access for browsing
  • The Access Library Service will continue to provide no contact deliveries of books to vulnerable housebound rural residents
  • Lincoln Castle’s grounds will be open daily from 10am-4pm, seven days a week, as a green space for exercise and wellbeing
  • Tips across the county will be open as usual, but residents must book a time slot  here or by calling 01522 782070
  • Call Connect services will continue to operate for essential journeys
  • School transport is running as usual
  • Business Lincolnshire and Trading Standards advisors are here for all Lincolnshire businesses throughout lockdown for advice and guidance
  • Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue continue to support Lincolnshire businesses with fire safety advice and support
  • Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue’s community fire safety team are still carrying out Safe & Well visits for those who need it most
  • The firefighters will again be supporting colleagues at EMAS by driving ambulances if needed and other roles where possible
  • Help is still available for victims of domestic abuse. Stay at home rules do not apply to those escaping domestic abuse
  • The council is still helping rural businesses, processing £650k of Leader grants within two weeks
  • The council’s contractors are continuing to work at the South Lincolnshire Food Enterprise Zone
  • The council is still responding to planning applications within 21 days, and inspecting construction developments so they can progress
  • Inquests and funerals will go ahead as usual
  • Crews are still out repairing and improving the roads across Lincolnshire as usual. People can continue to report concerns online here.

Councillor Martin Hill, leader of Lincolnshire County Council, said: “We know the next few weeks will be tough for so many of our residents, so we’re doing all we can to keep as many of our services open and running normally.

“For us, vital support and services for some of our most vulnerable older residents, children and young people will be the biggest priority, and the vast majority of these are operating without change.

“Some of our other services which we know are a real lifeline in these times – eg. libraries – are operating – just differently.

“Things might change over the coming weeks, but rest assured, we will keep you up to date. Remember, we’re here for you and we will do all we can to support you -your families, your loved ones, your businesses.”