November 11, 2020 4.40 pm This story is over 50 months old

Statue of RAF College founder unveiled at Cranwell

Marking the 100th anniversary of the RAF College

A statue of Lord Hugh Trenchard has been unveiled at RAF College Cranwell to mark the 100th anniversary of the college.

Builders from Lindum installed the seven foot tall bronze statue of the Marshal of the Royal Air Force – the RAF College’s principal founder – who established it in 1920 as part of his plans to expand the Air Force after the First World War.

The statue was erected on the west side of the officer’s mess after 18 months of fundraising by Sir Christopher Coville, Chairman of the Cranwellian Association Executive Committee.

The statue was created by established artist and sculptor Vivien Mallock and was commissioned by the Cranwellian Association.

The Trenchard Statue. | Photo: MOD Crown Copyright

Sir Michael Graydon, President of the Cranwellian Association, said: “The story is relatively simple, we canvassed ideas after early discussion with the college about what we might do to commemorate the 100th anniversary; initially, proposals were for something inside the college, for example a Michaelangelo-type painting on the dome in the rotunda.

“There were many other, including flying scholarships for air cadets, but in the end the majority favoured a statue of our founder – and after confirming a consensus of the membership at our AGM, we all went for it”.

Deputy Commandant and Station Commander RAF College Cranwell, Group Captain Gordon Bettington, said: “We are absolutely delighted and grateful to see 18 months of work by the Cranwellian Association come to fruition with the installation of this incredible work of art.

“It is a permanent reminder of the first 100 years and encapsulates how important and significant Lord Hugh Trenchard, MRAF was and is to RAF College Cranwell. His legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of all those who enter the RAF Officer Training Academy”.

Viscount Trenchard, Grandson of Lord Hugh Trenchard. | Photo: MOD Crown Copyright

RAF College Cranwell was the world’s first Air Academy and continues to select and train the next generation of officers and aircrew. It is also home to No 3 Flying Training School.