December 7, 2020 10.30 am This story is over 42 months old

720 COVID-19 cases, 35 deaths over the weekend in Greater Lincolnshire

COVID deaths in Greater Lincolnshire surpass 1,000

There were 720 new coronavirus cases in Greater Lincolnshire and 35 COVID-related deaths over the weekend.

The government’s COVID-19 dashboard on Monday morning showed 590 new cases in Lincolnshire, 82 in North Lincolnshire and 48 in North East Lincolnshire. North Lincolnshire has now surpassed 5,000 cases since the pandemic started.

The figures also showed 35 new deaths, including 21 residents in Lincolnshire, seven in North Lincolnshire and seven in North East Lincolnshire. These are deaths both in and out of hospitals and those of residents in hospitals outside the county.

The total number of deaths since the pandemic started has now reached 1,011 in Greater Lincolnshire.

Cases for December now stand at 2,214 so far, up from 1,494 on Friday.

NHS England reported 32 new hospital deaths over the weekend, with 20 at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, 11 at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust and one at Lincolnshire Community Health Service.

Nationally, cases increased by 32,810 to 1,723,242, while deaths rose by 628 to 61,245 over the weekend.

Over the weekend, government and health bosses confirmed United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust would be one of the first hubs for the Pfizer vaccine. They said distribution of the initial wave of vaccines would take place from Tuesday. This is who will be getting the vaccine first.

Four million doses of the vaccine will be delivered in the UK alone this month, NHS leaders have said.

NHS England’s medical director has warned that this will be the largest and most complex vaccination campaign in the country’s history, with celebrities and members of the royal family voicing their support for the programme.

A recent survey indicates the majority of the British public have said they do not trust the government to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. This comes as 57% of people said they did not trust the government to control the spread of the virus.


Lincolnshire’s cases up to December 6.

Lincolnshire’s deaths up to December 6.

Coronavirus data for Greater Lincolnshire up to Sunday, December 6

28,723 cases (up 720)

  • 18,313 in Lincolnshire (up 590)
  • 5,021 in North Lincolnshire (up 82)
  • 5,389 in North East Lincolnshire (up 48)

1,011 deaths (up 35)

  • 664 from Lincolnshire (up 21)
  • 178 from North Lincolnshire (up seven)
  • 169 from North East Lincolnshire (up seven)

of which 621 hospital deaths (up 32)

  • 332 at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust (up 11)
  • 16 at Lincolnshire Community Health Service hospitals (up one)
  • 1 at Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust (no change)
  • 272 in Northern Lincolnshire (NLAG) (up 20)

1,723,242 UK cases, 61,245 deaths

DATA SOURCE — FIGURES CORRECT AT THE TIME OF the latest update. postcode data includes deaths not in healthcare facilities or in hospitals outside authority boundaries.