December 22, 2020 1.56 pm This story is over 42 months old

Lincoln student jailed for sex with two underage girls

He confessed over text message to a girl’s mother

A university student who had sex with two underage girls has been jailed for a total of five years and 10 months at Lincoln Crown Court.

Christopher Shepherd, who is studying at the University of Lincoln for a masters degree in accountancy, was jailed by Judge John Pini QC after grooming two girls.

The judge told Shepherd: “It is clear that you have caused immense psychological damage to these girls.”

Shepherd, 28, of Lincoln Road, Branston, admitted two charges of sexual activity with a child and a further charge of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

The offences took place between November 2011 and June 2013.

He was given a 10 year sexual harm prevention order and placed on the sex offenders’ register indefinitely.

Phil Howes, prosecuting, said that Shepherd had sex with a 13-year-old girl when he was 19-years-old.

Later he confessed in text messages he sent to the girl’s mother saying: “I know what I did was wrong. I should have had more control.”

Police became involved and when Shepherd was interviewed he admitted the offences against the girl and then went on to confess to having illegal sex with a second young girl who was also in her early teens.

The court was told that Shepherd had no previous convictions.

Sunil Khanna, in mitigation, said: “He is a young man who had been involved in an age-appropriate relationship with a girl. That broke up and he took it very badly.”

He told the court that afterwards Shepherd had sex with the first young girl and later with the second.

Mr Khanna said: “He has completed a maths degree and he is currently studying for a masters in order to become a chartered accountant. He has a career ahead of him. Since this he has shown he can be a decent man.

“He is suffering from depression and anxiety. He has sought help from friends, family and the church. He is getting counselling from the church.”