December 22, 2020 11.04 am This story is over 42 months old

Takeaway loses licence for breaching COVID-19 rules

Customers were found inside after curfew

A Gainsborough takeaway has had its late night refreshment licence revoked for breaching coronavirus rules, including having customers sat inside after 10pm and face coverings not being worn.

Lincolnshire Police visited Gainsborough Grill, located at 168 Trinity Street, three times over a four week period.

As well as the 10pm curfew being broken and a male found stood eating in the store, the takeaway’s COVID-19 risk assessment had not been completed and the CCTV system was also found not to be working.

Mr Ozcan, the licence holder, was issued with a fixed penalty notice by local officers, but police said even this failed to make him carry out the necessary changes.

The alcohol licensing team from Lincolnshire Police submitted paperwork for a licence review hearing.

A digital hearing was held in front of West Lindsey District Council’s Licensing Sub-Committee on December 17 this year, where Mr Ozcan produced a risk assessment, but police described this as “generic” and demonstrating a “lack of care”.

The committee agreed with police that the premises had been caught in breach of coronavirus regulations and licensing legislation, and that they had no confidence in the ability of the owner Mr Ozcan to promote or uphold the licensing objectives.

Gainsborough Grill has held a premises licence allowing the supply of late night refreshment (on and off the premises) between 11pm and 2am since March 2018, but a decision has since been made to revoke this.

However, there is a 21 day appeal process. If no appeal is submitted by then the suspension comes into force.

Sergeant Kim Enderby, Alcohol Licensing Manager for Lincolnshire Police, said: “The overwhelming majority of licensed premises in the county have adapted their business, followed the legislation and ensured their venues were safe environments for the public to use.

“Why Gainsborough Grill chose to ignore the legislation and continue trading – open to the public beyond 10pm, allowing customers inside the store without face masks was never fully explained by the owner, who admitted during the hearing that he understood the legislation.

“Customers were seen inside the takeaway and gathered in a group on the pavement outside at ten minutes past midnight.

“He finally produced a risk assessment at the hearing but it was generic, providing further evidence of the lack of care demonstrated by the licence holder.”