January 20, 2021 3.27 pm This story is over 41 months old

Mother jailed for attacking police officers arresting her son

Her son also faced charges

A mother who attacked police officers arresting her son has been jailed for three months at Lincoln Crown Court.

Lesley Wilkinson, 45, of High Street, Blyton, near Gainsborough, punched one officer in the face and then kicked him in the groin.

She went on to kick a second officer in the head during the incident at her home in the village of Blyton.

Eunice Opare-Addo, prosecuting, said that officers went to the family home in December 2019 as part of an investigation into an incident that occurred earlier in the day.

Jordan Kirman, Wilkinson’s son, was arrested at the house and then a Special Constable went to arrest Wilkinson.

Miss Opare-Addo said: “Lesley Wilkinson became obstructive and punched the officer to the left side of the face making contact with the left cheek.

“The defendant began screaming and shouting. She kicked the officer in the groin area and then continued to kick out at the right side of his leg.

“She was escorted past Jordan Kirman, who was being detained. She was being aggressive and confrontational.

“As she walked past, she kicked twice at the officer detaining her son. One kick contacted the officer’s head and the second contacted the right elbow.”

Miss Opare-Addo said that as Wilkinson was being restrained a third officer suffered an injury to his right arm.

Lesley Wilkinson admitted two charges of assaulting an emergency worker and a further charge of obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty as a result of the incident on December 22, 2019. She was jailed for three months.

Judge John Pini QC, passing sentence, told her: “I accept you felt aggrieved but that does not justify what you did.

“This court will not tolerate deliberate assaults on police officers. In your case there has to be an immediate custodial sentence.”

Jordan Kirman, 20, of the same address, admitted obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty.

He also admitted being in breach of a suspended jail sentence imposed for an offence of assault.

He was given a three-month community order with a three-month night-time curfew.

Mark Watson, for Wilkinson, said that an ongoing feud with another family resulted in police calling at her home.

He said that Wilkinson was the innocent party in that matter and intended to call police to complain of an assault, but the other family got in ahead of her and made their call first.

“What then took place is in the context of Lesley Wilkinson being assaulted herself and then being arrested. That gave rise to a strained situation and she reacted badly when the police called.”

Mr Watson said that Wilkinson later faced a Magistrates Court trial over the incident which led to her police visiting her home and she was acquitted after citing self-defence.

He told the court that Wilkinson has mental health problems and he urged that any prison sentence should be suspended.

Leanne Summers, for Kirman, said: “When the police arrested him, he was initially compliant but then became concerned about the way police were treating his mother. In hindsight he realises he could have handled the situation better.”