February 3, 2021 5.16 pm This story is over 40 months old

COVID deaths creeping up with 299 new cases and 19 fatalities in Lincolnshire on Wednesday

10 million receive their first COVID vaccine dose

There have been 299 new coronavirus cases and 19 COVID-related deaths in Greater Lincolnshire on Wednesday — up from 13 deaths yesterday and six the day before.

The government’s COVID-19 dashboard recorded 230 new cases in Lincolnshire, 36 in North East Lincolnshire and 33 in North Lincolnshire. Cases have now surpassed 7,000 in North East Lincolnshire.

On Wednesday, 15 deaths were registered in Lincolnshire, three in North East Lincolnshire and one in North Lincolnshire. These figures include deaths both in and out of hospitals, as well as residents in hospitals outside the county.

NHS England reported seven new local hospital deaths on Wednesday, including five at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust, one at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLAG) and one at Lincolnshire Community Health Service hospitals.

On Wednesday, national cases increased by 19,202 to 3,871,825, while deaths rose by 1,322 to 109,335.

All Lincolnshire care home residents over the age of 65 have now been offered the first dose of the coronavirus vaccination.

The over 65s in 202 Lincolnshire care homes that are eligible were offered their first dose and everyone who accepted is believed to have now been vaccinated.

On Wednesday, Greater Lincolnshire saw increases in four districts but an overall decline in its infection rate.

Small infection rate increases across Lincolnshire “aren’t too concerning” for local health bosses so far, as they are looking at the bigger picture.

Andy Fox, Consultant in Public Health at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “It’s the trend over time that we’re worried about and as long as it looks like it’s heading down, the ups and downs along the way aren’t too concerning.”

Here’s Greater Lincolnshire’s infection rate over the last seven days up to February 3, according to the government dashboard:

Greater Lincolnshire’s infection rates from Jan 27 to Feb 3. | Data: Gov UK / Table: James Mayer for The Lincolnite

10 million people in the UK have now had their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said.

“This is a hugely significant milestone in our national effort against this virus. Every jab makes us all a bit safer – I want to thank everyone playing their part,” Mr Hancock said.

Nearly 500,000 people have had a second jab, according to government data up to February 1.

About one in seven people in private households in England had contracted coronavirus by mid-January, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates.

The figure is equivalent to 6.9 million people – 15.3% of the population.

Vaccines against new variants of coronavirus should be ready to be rolled out by October, according to the team behind the Oxford University/AstraZeneca jab.

Professor Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford vaccine group, said work on designing a new jab could be a quick process.

Results that show the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine might reduce the spread of coronavirus have been hailed as “absolutely superb” by the health secretary.

Matt Hancock said the study shows “vaccines are the way out of this pandemic”.

Coronavirus data for Greater Lincolnshire on Wednesday, February 3

Greater Lincolnshire includes Lincolnshire and the unitary authorities of North and North East (Northern) Lincolnshire.

48,801 cases (up 299)

  • 34,340 in Lincolnshire (up 230)
  • 7,429 in North Lincolnshire (up 33)
  • 7,032 in North East Lincolnshire (up 36)

1,904 deaths (up 19)

  • 1,383 from Lincolnshire (up 15)
  • 284 from North Lincolnshire (up one)
  • 237 from North East Lincolnshire (up three)

of which 1,126 hospital deaths (up seven)

  • 697 at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust (up five)
  • 35 at Lincolnshire Community Health Service hospitals (up one)
  • 1 at Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust (no change)
  • 393 in Northern Lincolnshire (NLAG) (up one)

3,871,825 UK cases, 109,335 deaths

DATA SOURCE — FIGURES CORRECT AT THE TIME OF the latest update. postcode data includes deaths not in healthcare facilities or in hospitals outside authority boundaries.