February 12, 2021 1.16 pm This story is over 47 months old

Lincolnshire teen avoids jail over indecent child images

It started when he was around 14

A Holbeach St Marks teenager who admitted viewing indecent images of children was sentenced to a two year community order after a judge decided he needed “urgent help.”

Joseph Orbell, 18, of Strawberry Fields Drive, uploaded a total of 782 still and 64 moving images of children between January 2015 and March 2019.

Lincoln Crown Court heard police executed a search warrant at Orbell’s home on March 5, 2019 after receiving information that an indecent photograph had been uploaded from an email account linked to him.

Abi Joyce, prosecuting, said Orbell immediately admitted having indecent images on his various devices, and images were found on an iPhone, iPad and his personal computer.

Miss Joyce said of the 782 images, 102 still and two videos were of the most serious category A type.

Officers also found evidence of internet searches on his browser for underage girls.

The court heard Orbell has only just turned 18 and had been a ‘very young age’ when the offences were committed between 2015 and 2019.

During police interview Orbell said he believed the offending started when he was around 14.

Edna Leonard, mitigating, told the court Orbell had no previous convictions and would do what it takes to prevent any further offending.

Miss Leonard said: “He has accepted what he has done and is detertimed that it will not happen again.

“He assures me he has not looked at any other images since six months before the police arrived at his home.

“It has a had a devastating effect both on him, and his mother.”

Orbell, of Strawberry Fields Drive, Holbeach St Marks, pleaded guilty to three charges of making indecent images of children between January 2015 and March 2019.

Passing sentence Judge John Pini QC told Orbell he was very concerned by the young age at which his offending began and said he needed “urgent help”.

Orbell was sentenced to a two year community order which includes the completion of a sex offenders treatment program and 30 rehabilitation days.

He was also made the subject of sexual harm prevention order which will restrict his use of a computer for five years.