April 14, 2021 8.23 am This story is over 45 months old

Meet Snowy, the beautiful Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire therapy dog

Keep up the good work Snowy!

By Local Democracy Reporter

Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire have been protesting and campaigning for action on climate change for a number of years, and they’ve had a trusty sidekick with them every step of the way.

Snowy, a unique German Shepherd and chocolate labradoodle crossbreed, was employed by Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire as a de-escalation and therapy dog in 2018 and has been the talk of the town ever since.

His owner, Ian Rushby, called him “a special dog” that is “completely chilled out and gentle, with a habit of standing on your feet and leaning into you.”

This protesting is tiring work! | Photo: @snowy9796 on Instagram

Born in October 2014 as the largest of five puppies, the six-year-old pooch has been attending Extinction Rebellion protests in Lincolnshire and beyond since the winter of 2018.

Ever since his first protests at Biscathorpe in the Lincolnshire Wolds, Snowy has been there to comfort rebels and be a calming influence during marches in Greater Lincolnshire, Hull, Manchester, Leeds and London.

Snowy is an avid attender of XR protests across the country. | Photo: @snowy9796 on Instagram

“Snowy steps forward and provides a safe, neutral, space where the people involved can find some common ground”, Ian said.

“He has been the starting point of great conversations and friendships across all cultural and demographic boundaries.

“I’ve lost count of the number of people who have been moved to tears, both grief and joy, by having Snowy around.”

Snowy is always eager to help out. | Photo: @snowy9796 on Instagram

He has also apparently defused potentially hostile situations at roadblocks and other protests, and this is due to Snowy “just being himself.”

It hasn’t always been the rebellious life for Snowy though, who has been to a number of countries with his owners since being born, including Morocco, Switzerland, Malta and Italy.

Even a therapy dog needs some me time. | Photo: @snowy9796 on Instagram

He was described as a bit of a celebrity everywhere he went, attracting attention and making an impression on the locals whenever he went out on walks.

Ian said: “Because of his striking looks, friendly and relaxed manner, everyone wants to stroke him, which has created a virtuous circle, of looking even cuter in order to be stroked again!”

Snowy was one of five puppies, and was the only one with white fur. | Photo: @snowy9796 on Instagram

If you want to follow Snowy’s story, you can visit his Instagram page.