April 21, 2021 9.42 am This story is over 38 months old

New apartment plans for Lincoln’s historic Oddfellows Hall

Previous residential plans were approved but never moved forward

A major historic Lincoln building could be turned into a series of new apartments aimed at first-time buyers including students and young professionals.

Paul Andrews has applied to the City of Lincoln Council to turn the Oddfellows Hall, on Unity Square, into 32 residential units.

The move will include a three-storey rear extension, the raising of the roof to accommodate a third floor and further external alterations .

A design and access statement from the developer says the existing floors will be removed and replaced as part of the work and the basement cellar areas will also be reduced in height.

They said: “The proposed development will make good use of the historic existing building that would be a great loss to the city if the building were to be demolished.

“The apartments are aimed to first time buying i.e. students and young professionals who are wishing to get onto the property ladder.

The inside of the building will be entirely refurbished including the removal of existing floors.

“Due the location of the building it is also a desire to create a building which also offers a wow factor to people who own / rent the apartments but also create a building which preserves the existing brick elevations whilst taking advantage of the fantastic views and location.

“It is the intension that the building becomes a project which the city can be proud of as it will give the city a building which utilises and enjoys its main historic and visual assets.”

Another view of the build. Image: CK Architectural

Oddfellows Hall was finished in 1897 and has been home to Ruston Social Club, offices including William Mortimers’and most recently as a hostel.

Previous plans to turn the building into nine apartments with 61 bedrooms was approved but never acted on by the applicant.

It is not classed as listed but is located on the edge of a City of Lincoln Conservation area.