April 9, 2021 6.09 pm This story is over 38 months old

Weekly COVID-19 cases down 46% as deaths fall by a quarter in Greater Lincolnshire so far

No hospital deaths this week

There have been 308 coronavirus cases in Greater Lincolnshire and nine COVID-related deaths so far this week – a 46% drop in cases and 25% reduction in deaths from the previous week.

The government’s COVID-19 dashboard on Friday recorded nine new cases in North Lincolnshire but -69 cases in Lincolnshire and -4 in North East Lincolnshire. This is due to the dashboard changing the way it reports cases.

On April 9, four deaths were registered in Lincolnshire, two in North East Lincolnshire and one in North Lincolnshire. These figures include deaths both in and out of hospitals, as well as residents in hospitals outside the county.

The way cases are reported has changed.

NHS England reported no hospitals this week so far, down from four recorded this time last week.

On Friday, national cases increased by 3,150 to 4,365,461, while deaths rose by 60 to 127,040.

In local news, COVID-19 mutations of concern have been detected by health officials in Lincolnshire, but they said they’ve been contained, and there is “no longer transmission, no issues.”

The Brazil and South Africa variants have worried scientists because they are thought to be much more contagious than the original strain, and can therefore spread faster in the population, and potentially be vaccine-resistant.

Health bosses have also said there have been no hospitalisations or deaths from a care home coronavirus outbreak in West Lindsey at the end of March.

Everyone in Lincolnshire can now get two free rapid asymptomatic coronavirus tests a week, and this is how you can access them.

Great Lincolnshire has seen a fall in all of its districts’ infection rates since Wednesday, however South Holland and North Lincolnshire are still in the UK’s top 20 highest rates.

The England average infection rate has fallen too but is still below Greater Lincolnshire’s average by around 20 per 100,000 of the population.

Here’s Greater Lincolnshire’s infection rates up to April 9:

Greater Lincolnshire’s infection rates from Apr 2 to Apr 9. | Data: Gov UK / Table: James Mayer for The Lincolnite

Nationally, Europe’s drugs regulator is reviewing possible links between blood clots and Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine.

The move comes after four serious cases of rare clots with low platelets were reported after the COVID-19 jab, one of which was fatal, according to the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

People in England can start thinking about booking foreign holidays again this summer, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has said.

But he said the £100 cost of the COVID tests required needed to be driven down, amid criticism from the travel industry.

Coronavirus data for Greater Lincolnshire on Friday, April 9

Greater Lincolnshire includes Lincolnshire and the unitary authorities of North and North East (Northern) Lincolnshire.

58,544 cases (up nine)

  • 40,813 in Lincolnshire (down 69)
  • 9,176 in North Lincolnshire (up nine)
  • 8,555 in North East Lincolnshire (down four)

2,180 deaths (up seven)

  • 1,608 from Lincolnshire (up four)
  • 304 from North Lincolnshire (up one)
  • 268 from North East Lincolnshire (up two)

of which 1,300 hospital deaths (no change)

  • 808 at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust (no change)
  • 41 at Lincolnshire Community Health Service hospitals (no change)
  • 1 at Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust (no change)
  • 450 in Northern Lincolnshire (NLAG) (no change)

4,365,461 UK cases, 127,040 deaths

DATA SOURCE — FIGURES CORRECT AT THE TIME OF the latest update. postcode data includes deaths not in healthcare facilities or in hospitals outside authority boundaries.