July 29, 2021 3.57 pm This story is over 37 months old

Over 1.5k people sign petition against nuclear waste storage in Lincolnshire

Council leader promises binding referendum

Over 1,500 people have signed a petition to say no to plans to store nuclear waste underground on the Lincolnshire coast.

Plans emerged to dispose of nuclear waste at a site near Mablethorpe this week, as Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) said it was in “early discussions” with Lincolnshire County Council about using the former ConocoPhillips Gas Terminal in Theddlethorpe as a Geological Disposal Facility, but that no decisions had been made.

Lincolnshire County Council Leader Martin Hill claimed it was only 10 days ago they had a presentation from the firm, and that it was the first time they’d had a meeting with them. He also said a “binding” local referendum would be held and “if it’s a no, that’s the end of it”, according to the BBC.

Louth MP Victoria Atkins told BBC Radio Lincolnshire on Thursday, July 29 that the plans in fact started in 2019 and were more developed than “just one or two week’s work”. Opposition councillors hit out at Tory “secrecy” at the county council after the plans were revealed.

Jaki Lucas recently launched a petition via change.org called ‘No nuclear waste on the Lincolnshire coast’. By the time of publication, the petition has 1,500 signatures.

Jaki said: “Nuclear waste is being buried on the east coast at Theddlethorpe, in plans being drawn up in conjunction with Lincolnshire County Council.

“The public have not been consulted and we only found out because of a whistle blower. Please sign the petition.

“Our Tory county councillors were informed but not the residents. It appears this has been on going and hidden from the public before our local elections, could knowing this have changed the result? Say no to nuclear waste on our beautiful coastline.”

Steve Reece, head of siting at RWM, previously said: “We would like to engage with the local community to hear their thoughts and views.

“The process to find a suitable GDF site ultimately requires a community to give clear consent [and] this project is totally unique in that the local community will have the final say.”

The developers added that the multi-billion pound project could create thousands of jobs.