September 16, 2021 2.09 pm This story is over 33 months old

Lincoln mums and school choir write song to stop children drowning

All funds raised go towards swimming lessons

By Local Democracy Reporter

A pair of Lincoln mums have created a company and teamed up with a school choir to release a song helping children to keep safe in the water.

Steph Wilson and Rachael Ladd came up with the idea after seeing a spate of drowning incidents over the course of last summer, and they felt that key water safety messages were needed to prevent incidents like this from happening.

They formed SWiRL Global together in 2020 and are now campaigning for greater access to aquatics for young people, as well as promoting safety in the water.

SWiRL Global promotes inclusion and community in aquatics, as well as safety. | Photo: SWiRL Global

Steph is a former swim teacher herself and had the idea of creating a song that could help children remember the key to staying safe when in water.

The pair worked with Lincoln Minster school head of music Caroline Wilkinson to make the tune accessible for children while also raising money for the community.

All funds raised from SWiRL goes towards swim lessons for the community. | Photo: SWiRL Global

The song, called ‘5 Little Pirates’, has a catchy nursery rhyme style to make it memorable, and teaches younger children to roll over and float should they fall in the water.

It features the Lincoln Minster school choir on vocals and is available to stream or download on most digital platforms now, with every penny raised going towards swimming lessons in the local community.

SWiRL co-founders Steph Wilson and Rachael Ladd. | Photo: SWiRL Global

Steph says: “I’d had the song for a while and used to sing it in lessons, in the office, and even during a zoom call with the head of the RNLI.”

Caroline Wilkinson, head of music at Lincoln Minster, said: “What a pleasure it was to be asked to provide the vocals parts for this project. The Lincoln Minster choir did a great job as always.”

As well as the song, SWiRL will also raise money by selling unique items such as swim robes and swimming aids on their website shop.