September 23, 2021 11.47 am This story is over 39 months old

Over 1,000 new homes in Bracebridge Heath set to get green light

One of the first phases of the 3,500-home South East Quadrant plans

Plans for more than a thousand new homes in Bracebridge Heath are set to be approved by North Kesteven District Council.

Outline proposals from the Church Commissioners for England to build up to 1,123 homes and create a 2.6 hectare area of land for employment, off Sleaford Road, will go before the authority’s planning committee next Thursday.

The plans form part of the 3,500-home South East Quadrant site which will eventually include new schools, a new district centre with shops and restaurants and seven hectares of commercial land.

Recommending approval, officers said: “The proposal will proactively drive and support sustainable development to help deliver homes and the necessary infrastructure and local services to support the new community.

“[It will] also provide a substantial contribution towards meeting the growth identified to be delivered through the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (2017) including maintain a five-year supply of developable land.”

The latest plans have received 26 comments with objectors arguing there is no need for it, alongside concerns over the density of the development, the height of some of the dwellings and insufficient infrastructure.

An illustrative masterplan of the 1,123-home development.

Bracebridge Heath Parish Council has also objected to the plans citing concerns over highways, transport, air quality and hazardous materials.

Objectors have also argued that a school, now removed from this phase of the plan, should be supported and located on Canwick Avenue.

If approved, the developers will be asked to pay £9,021,620.50 towards transport infrastructure, open space, education, health and the provision of a community centre.

This includes £2,792,339.50 towards the provision of a new three-form primary school on Canwick Avenue, which is subject to a separate application.