September 25, 2021 1.23 pm This story is over 33 months old

Stop panic buying fuel, Lincolnshire Police urge frenzied motorists

Gridlock queues at some Lincolnshire fuel stations

People in Lincolnshire returned to queueing at petrol stations on Saturday morning after some motorists are panic buying fuel due to fears of shortages.

Fuel stations in Lincoln, Grantham and across the county are experiencing gridlock queues, prompting Lincolnshire Police to appeal to motorists to stop panic buying, as there is no fuel shortage overall — though some local garages are experiencing low supplies.

“If you impede emergency services and cause unnecessary delays, you are putting lives at risk,” was the message from Lincolnshire Police.

The Shell garage on Manthorpe Rd in Grantham was closed on Saturday morning. | Photo: RSM Photography

The force said in a statement on Saturday morning: “This is a potential hazard for vehicles making other journeys, and may cause difficulties for emergency services trying to reach people in need.

“While we appreciate that some people may be particularly keen to fill up their vehicles this weekend, we would respectfully ask motorists to be sensible when making judgements about joining a queue at a petrol station.

“If it is too long, consider returning at a different time.”

Queues at BP Bridge End Road in Grantham on Saturday. | BP Bridge End Road

Emergency service workers are struggling to get fuel

One Lincolnshire emergency worker wrote to The Lincolnite to tell their experience after a hard day’s work, trying to refuel:

“I am currently on fumes and was unable to refuel [Friday], mainly because after a 13/14 hour shifts often with no break (due to NHS pressures from people abusing the system), working on the ambulances, I barely have the energy to drive home never mind sit in a queue for 30 mins plus for people to refuel unnecessarily (AND THIS INCLUDES WITNESSING PEOPLE FILL UP FUEL CANS – one person filling up their car AND THREE fuel cans).

“My days off are precious to me currently, like a lot of us, so I am going to have to risk getting fuel in the morning of my next shift, when no doubt there will be none available. It’s not just me who’s suffering, what’s next, staff being unable to get to work due to this? People not getting the medical help they need in time? Hospital staff not able to get to work? Police and fire unable to respond to emergencies?

“Come on guys sort, yourselves out and just think about people other than yourself, you should be ashamed!”

“This is the first lockdown all over again where essential workers, emergency service, hospital and care home staff are struggling to get BASIC essentials.

“Why do we bother risking our health and lives for others (we are still in a pandemic) when people cannot even behave normally and not act selfishly — if people bought items as normal there would be no ‘crisis’ as it’s being incorrectly worded, there is enough stock out there on the shelves and in the pumps if people behaved.”