September 17, 2021 5.34 pm This story is over 33 months old

Imp trail sculptures gathered at Lincoln Castle for farewell event

Your last chance to see them before they go under the hammer!

By Local Democracy Reporter

Lincoln Castle is playing host to a farewell event for the 30 sculptures on this year’s imp trail, offering you one last chance to see them all before they are auctioned for charity.

The imps arrived at Lincoln Castle on Tuesday, September 14 after organisers of the trail Lincoln Business Improvement Group made the decision to take them off the streets of Lincoln.

This was after a spate of vandalism which saw multiple sculptures damaged and in need of repair, so Lincoln BIG made the decision to prevent any more of these incidents.

You can see them lined up at the castle. | Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

The move signals the beginning of the end of the Lincoln Imp Trail, which despite its difficulties with vandalism and damage, has been a huge success in the city.

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

The sculptures can be viewed at Lincoln Castle between 10am and 5pm until September 22, before they are auctioned on October 1, Lincolnshire Day, at Lincoln Cathedral.

This auction will be in aid of St Barnabas Hospice, the official charity partner of the Lincoln Imp Trail. Tickets cost £15 and are on sale here.

See them while you still can! | Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Vandalism and damage on Lincoln Imp Trail

The Post Impressionist imp, designed by Susan Webber and sponsored by Ruddocks, was found with scuff marks and damage at its spot near the Royal William IV pub on Brayford Pool on Wednesday, September 8. It’s believed that a delivery lorry bumped into the sculpture, causing the damage.

The first imp damaged was the Community Imp on Guildhall Street, which was vandalised on July 21 by 20-year-old Bradley Pennell from Scunthorpe, after a drunken night out. He pleaded guilty in court and has been ordered to pay damages.

It was all change for the imp trail, as the Footie Imp was taken away for repair, the Community Imp returned and the temporary red imp was moved elsewhere!

The next imp to be removed from the trail was the Running Imp at the junction for St Mary’s Street with the pedestrianised High Street, but organisers Lincoln BIG said this was just for some TLC. That was replaced by “Goldie the Imp”.

Then, in late August, the Footie Imp at the lower High Street was found vandalised late at night. Stewart Tomlinson, 45, from Grimsby has been charged with criminal damage in connection to this incident, and was sentenced at Lincoln Magistrates Court on September 17.