October 5, 2021 2.01 pm This story is over 34 months old

More protests as Lincolnshire councillors enter talks over Theddlethorpe nuclear waste storage

Fears decision is railroaded, but councillors insist public will be listened to

Senior Lincolnshire County Councillors have called for an end to the uncertainty around a potential nuclear storage site in Theddlethorpe to come as soon as possible.

The authority’s executive voted in favour of joining a working group, installing council leader Councillor Martin Hill as their representative.

During the meeting, councillors expressed some scepticism over the benefits which Radioactive Waste Management, the government organisation behind the plans, claimed it would bring – including new jobs and investment in the area’s infrastructure.

Councillors also claimed the plans needed to have full public support before they moved ahead, with East Lindsey Councillor Danny McNally saying there needed to be a full first-past-the-post election.

He added: “A clearly scheduled timeline should also be sought with at least six months notice to give everyone time to get out to communicate and campaign.

“If the vote comes in as a no, there needs to be a guarantee from the council that they will fully support the will of the community of Theddlethorpe, or anywhere within Lincolnshire.”

Protestors outside Lincolnshire County Council sang covers of popular songs changed to be thematic to their campaign. | Photo: Daniel Jaines

Following the meeting, Councillor Martin Hill said: “The working group is an information gathering exercise. Participating in the group does not mean the council wants the GDF at the Theddlethorpe site – in fact we currently have not taken a view on this.

“Our decision to get involved recognises that ultimately it will be a community decision as to whether a GDF should be built.

“The council’s involvement is therefore to make sure that residents and businesses have access to information they need, and to help reflect their views.”

Campaigners outside LCC. | Photo: Daniel Jaines

As the meeting was ongoing, protesters again gathered outside the council offices in a bid to dissuade members from joining the working group or supporting the plans at all.

They sang a number of thematically-changed covers.

Following the meeting, campaigner Ken Smith said it was “obvious that the decision was being driven through”.

“So it’ll happen, but I’ve got to make my voice heard, I’ve got to do my part, where my kids or grandchildren come and say, what do you do grandpa. Then, at least I can tell them I did my best to stop it.”

Campaigners, he said, had a “great deal of scepticism” about the proposals and the council’s actions moving forward, adding that they had “done their homework”.