November 17, 2021 10.06 am This story is over 38 months old

Hundreds call for council to make Meadow Lane safer after bus crash

A man died on the same road in July

More than 400 people have signed a petition as local residents call on the county council to make Meadow Lane in North Hykeham safer after several collisions.

Adam Morgan lost his life on July 12 when his car collided with a lorry travelling from Waddington on Meadow Lane. Over £6,600 was raised in memory of the father-of-three.

Sally Ann recently launched a petition and said local residents including herself “regularly see the road closed due to a high number of accidents”. She said many residents have been contacting the county council for years to ask for more safety measures to be put in place, including a reduction of the speed limit.  The county council recently said that the local highways team will be assessing the area.

Adam Morgan tragically passed away after a crash in North Hykeham. He was married for 20 years with three children. | Photo: Lincolnshire Police

The petition comes after a recent collision on the same road. A school bus, with around 60 children on board, came off the road and landed on its side in a ditch on November 11.

Sir Robert Pattinson Academy pupil Ryley Somers-Lynam, 12, suffered a broken arm and required surgery, while a 14-year-old girl was taken to hospital as a precaution.

Ryley’s father Glynn told The Lincolnite he wants something done about the narrow stretch of road and also thinks seatbelts should be introduced on all school buses.

He said: “The road is dangerous on that straight, it’s far too narrow and most cars go far too fast. There’s been so many accidents on there recently and something needs put in place.”

Ryley with his arm in a splint in the ambulance.

The recently launched petition calls for a reduction of the speed limit on Meadow Lane and for “traffic calming measures” such as a speed camera to help prevent more collisions in the future. It is not a new issue either, as back in 2015 a double decker bus crashed into a ditch on Meadow Lane.

On the petition page, Sally said: “The 60mph stretch of road is less than half a mile long, it is narrow with a very sharp corner and ditches close to each side. Drivers are routinely speeding, tailgating and overtaking.”

When asked about her personal experiences of the road and what made her start the petition now, she told The Lincolnite: “The road is closed regularly due to accidents and it’s not normal to have that many accidents on one stretch of road.

“Also, when drivers cross the boundary into Hykeham they don’t slow down and we have children trying to cross on a corner to get to school. I have personally tried to cross the road and got halfway and had to go back due to cars flying around the corner at high speeds.”

Karen Cassar, assistant director for highways at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “We’re aware of this petition and have received a formal request from the local councillor, Thomas Dyer, to carry out an assessment of Meadow Lane.

“As a result, our local highways team will be assessing the area to see if it meets our criteria for implementing any of the changes residents have requested, including a potential extension of the 30mph limit eastward from Sharp Walk.”