March 9, 2022 2.30 pm This story is over 33 months old

“Smaller, narrower” housing for Witham St Hughs development expansion

“More efficient” use of the space

A developer’s new focus on “smaller, narrower” house types could mean 155 new homes built in Witham St Hugh’s instead of an original plan for 148.

Avant has applied to North Kesteven District Council to build the homes, East Of Camp Road and North Of Hannah Crescent as part of a 1,100-home sustainable urban extension to the village.

The developer already had permission for 148 homes on the site – called Merlin’s Point.

A design code compliance statement submitted to the authority, however, said: “As a business, Avant now has an emphasis on smaller narrower house types, meaning dwellings sit on a smaller footprint compared to larger dwellings resulting in an increase in numbers across the site.”

Documents to the authority said the development will “create a positive and strong gateway entrance to the wider site” and would “represent a more efficient use of land”.

“There remain no adverse impacts which could be considered to significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the Proposed Development and no material considerations to outweigh the presumption in favour of sustainable development.”

The layout for the site.

The proposals include a mix of two to three-storey buildings and comprises a mix of 24 two-bed, 71 three-bed and 60 four-bed homes.

The developer plans to include 25 of those homes as “affordable” dwellings.

A central green will be included at “the heart” of the development.

The SUE as a whole is formed of around 10 “cells” of development and will also include 150 care or retirement units and a new roundabout to Camp Road.

The site includes the former Lincolnshire RAF Swinderby station.