April 9, 2022 8.00 am This story is over 26 months old

Local elections 2022: Parties outline their campaign promises

Who will get your vote?

Local elections in Lincolnshire are just under a month away and local candidates’ campaigns are starting to gear up.

Residents will officially go to the polls on Thursday, May 5, 2022, with candidates vying for one of 11 seats in Lincoln and 16 in North East Lincolnshire.

A full list of candidates, along with those in North East Lincolnshire, can be found here.

The deadline to register to vote in this year’s local elections is April 14, 2022, with the deadline for postal and proxy applications on April 19.

Ahead of the big day, the Local Democracy Service asked each of the main parties running in Lincoln to sum up their key messages in a short 150 word brief.

Here’s what they had to say:


Pop-in parking – One hour of free parking in the Central Car Park. In addition, we are proposing a freeze to car parking charges and a review to see whether the current levels can be reduced.

Four new PCSOs – We’ll work with the police to support their recruitment campaign by directly funding four new PCSOs to work across the city.

Action on fly tipping and anti-social behaviour – For too long Labour have opposed our plans to increase fines for this and they are not doing enough to tackle it. We will put up fines and crack down on this behaviour

Holding Labour to account on the Western Growth Corridor – We saw the opposition to the Western Growth Corridor application. We will continue to campaign for the impact this housing development will have on residents to be mitigated.

Reopening Westgate toilets– We will reopen these facilities to support local businesses and residents in the uphill area.

Green Party

The Green Party campaigns to improve the health of the planet and the wellbeing of the people who live on it.
We recognise the difficulties facing many people in the city – rising poverty, homelessness, the increasing need for food banks, concern over rising energy and food costs – leaving some having to choose between food or heat – and we will work together with the organisations already tackling these issues to offer support and help for those who need it.
We will push for enhanced government funding, for Lincoln and for Lincolnshire as a whole, to enable the provision of better public services.
We want to make walking and cycling easier and safer which, together with improvements to public transport, will help to reduce congestion and improve air quality.
Local, independent businesses make a significant and important contribution to the local economy, and to the vibrant culture of the city as a whole, and we would look to offer support and help where possible.


Labour have a very strong track record of delivering improvements for Lincoln.

We have delivered 500 new homes to rent or to buy, we continue to invest in our city centre, improving many of our parks and green open spaces and are actively addressing the challenge of climate change

We are looking at ways of improving support to our residents in tackling the cost of living crisis. Last year for example we put over £1 million extra into the poorest households through our money advice service .

We plan a further £19 million investment in the city to improve job prospects, we will improve street cleaning and our approach to fly tipping. We have plans to “green” the city and to plant more trees, and are improving our CCTV to provide safe routes home for people leaving the city centre at night

Labour concentrates on the things that most to local people and will deliver its promises.

Liberal Democrats

Your vote this May won’t change the crisis-ridden government in Westminster, but it will be crucial for deciding how public services are managed in our city.

The Liberal Democrats in Lincoln are listening to residents and working hard to fix local issues. At the council, we proposed a new bus shelter improvement fund, supported plans to improve parks and boost transparency of local decision making- sadly these initiatives failed as Labour councillors voted against them.

Labour’s record running City of Lincoln Council speaks for itself: public toilets closed, bus shelters axed and key flood defences left broken for months. They have run out of ideas for how to make Lincoln an even better place to live, work and raise a family.

All residents have a fantastic Lib Dem candidate this year. Vote for us to get a team that will work hard to fix frontline services and take Lincoln forward.

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) is standing Nick Parker in Carholme to offer thousands of Lincolnites the choice of a fighting socialist alternative to the main parties.

The cost of living is the priority for most people right now. The three main parties all support energy privatisation. The super-rich rip us off and profit from our basic needs. Greens say that ordinary people must pay, not big business.

No one should have to choose between a warm home, food on the table and a roof over their head. TUSC calls for nationalisation to protect people and planet.

Time and again, Labour councillors have voted to cut our services. TUSC demands that Westminster coughs up the money needed to fund our public services.

A vote for TUSC is a vote for a socialist voice in the council chamber who will fight against austerity, whichever party is wielding the axe.