April 26, 2022 10.43 am This story is over 26 months old

Paralysed Lincolnshire scuba diver attempting new world record

He wants to keep breaking barriers and pushing boundaries

A paralysed scuba diver from Grantham who suffered life-changing injuries in two separate road crashes will be attempting a new world record this year to raise money for three charities and organisations.

Dan Metcalfe, 34, was paralysed in June 2014. He lost the front wheel of his motorbike when it hit gravel going round a bend on his way back from Bourne to Corby Glen.

Unfortunately, his friend following behind accidentally crashed into him and MAGPAS Air Ambulance attended the scene. After fixation of his spine, Dan was left a T8 complete paraplegic (from the bellybutton down), so he has no core/trunk muscles or use of his legs and is wheelchair-bound.

Dan was paralysed from the bellybutton down after being involved in a motorbike crash in June 2014.

Scuba diving has been a great rehabilitation from Dan after he sustained life-changing injuries in two separate crashes.

After recovering in hospital, the former builder developed a new passion for hand cycling and progressed to 5th in the UK, as well as also swimming in a shark tank at Skegness Aquarium.

Dan was then involved in a second crash in June 2018 when a car hit him on the A607 at Harlaxton while he was completing the final 14 miles of a 600-mile charity bike ride challenge. This left him with a neck injury, affected the nerves in his left shoulder, and he was diagnosed with PTSD.

The crash on the A607 at Harlaxton left Dan with compression at C4 in his neck and affected the nerves in his shoulder.

Despite these two life-changing incidents, Dan continues to have a can-do attitude and takes part in several charity events as he strives to break barriers and also give back to those who have helped him over the years.

On September 28, Dan, who is nicknamed Wheelsdan, will be attempting a 5km scuba dive swim without surfacing at Stoney Cove Dive Centre in Leicester. He will dive to a depth between six to eight metres and as he can’t move any of his lower body he’ll be swimming with his arms only for around six hours.

Dan said scuba diving is a big release for him and puts his mind ‘in another world’.

He is waiting for verification from Guinness World Records for his attempt at a new record of ‘fastest fresh water 5k scuba dive, arms only’.

Dan now works at Draft Wheelchairs in Huntingdon and has also been a scuba driver for four years, working his way up to the position of Assistant Instructor.

Dan was hit by a car during a charity bike ride challenge.

He didn’t let the crash stop his determination for breaking barriers and pushing boundaries to prove he can do anything he sets his mind to.

Dan is determined to raise more awareness of scuba diving with a disability, as well as vital funds for charity.

He will be raising money for MAGPAS Air Ambulance, The Scuba Trust & Stoney Cove Dive Centredonate to his fundraiser here.

Dan The Lincolnite: “Being in the water is almost like hydrotherapy, it’s been a rehabilitation for me.

“I was already a qualified gym instructor and know swimming is good rehab. I’d already scuba dived before my second crash and felt the love for doing it, and the relief from not being in the wheelchair.

“Scuba diving helped reset me and is a big release, putting my mind in another world.

“My drive in life now is pushing the limits of what I can physically do being disabled and pushing the boundaries and minds of people who say things can’t be done.”

Dan has been a scuba driver for four years, working his way up to the position of Assistant Instructor.

Dan enjoying a day at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park.

Dan is already receiving support from several people and organisations, including Northern Diver International, Ocean Reef, Nammu Tech, Midlands Diving Chamber, and Stoney Cove Diving Centre.

Dan will update his progress on his YouTube channel and you can donate to his fundraiser here.