April 12, 2022 9.40 am This story is over 26 months old

Trio of projects with £21.9m funding approved in Boston

Leisure and learning centres, and train station refurb

Three projects for a new leisure centre, a bespoke learning centre for adults and the refurbishment of the local train station from funding of £21.9 million have been approved by Boston Town Deal Board and Boston Borough Council.

The £7.1 million Boston Leisure project is part funded by £2.4 million from the Boston Town Teal, with match funding of £4.7 million from the council to complete the scheme.

The plans will see a redeveloped Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex. It will provide additional facilities, utilising public and training pools, under one roof and the opportunity to transform the leisure provision.

The new leisure centre will provide additional facilities, utilising public and training pools, under one roof. | Image: YMD Boon

The Mayflower project led by Boston College will be sited opposite the leisure complex and become a bespoke learning centre for adults. It will further enhance and develop learning provision within the town through the rapidly expanding learning facility.

The building will provide a learning, business and community space with access for skills training.

The Mayflower and leisure centre projects will collectively create a leisure and educational space, designed to be linked together via a central public open space/piazza area, and will function as a single campus. It will be part funded by £10 million from the Boston Town Deal with match funding of £6 million from elsewhere.

The Mayflower project led by Boston College will become a bespoke learning centre for adults. | Image: YMD Boon

The extensive refurbishment at Boston Train Station project will include community space, a cafe, commercially rentable units, a new ticket office, and more, through a partnership with East Midlands Trains. It will be part funded by £2.5 million from the Boston Town Deal Fund, with match funding of £200,000 from elsewhere.

The projects have been submitted this week to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and fall into each category to fulfil the Board’s aims. After the funding from the Boston Town Deal for the three projects, any money left over can be considered for other schemes.

Councillor Paul Skinner, Leader of Boston Borough Council said: “This is an exciting time for Boston, as we look to enhance the offering for residents and communities by providing newly refurbished facilities within the town centre.”

Councillor Tracey Abbott, Portfolio Holder for Town Centre said: “The provision of facilities within Boston will be further enhanced thanks to these projects, part-funded by the Boston Town Deal.

“For years, the training pool and public pool have been separated, but the Boston Leisure Project will bring them all under one roof and will include a new gym facility, changing village and much more.”