May 26, 2022 10.26 am This story is over 25 months old

Council rejects Welton housing plan despite developer’s plea

Fears it would significantly increase the risk of an accident

Plans for more than 100 homes on an accident-prone road have been rejected, despite the developer claiming there were ‘exceptional circumstances’.

The 109-home estate had been planned for a field off Eastfield Lane in Welton.

But the site isn’t in West Lindsey District Council’s local plan, meaning there needs to be very good reasons for building on it.

Applicant Turley Farms said the field was likely to become part of the plan in future, and it would also support developments which have already been approved.

However, residents warned it was on a dangerous bend of a narrow country road.

Chris Thomas spoke at the council’s planning meeting meeting on behalf of 120 concerned residents.

“This would extend the built-up area of Welton into open countryside. It would increase residents’ car dependency, and noise pollution,” he said.

“It would also significantly increase the risk of an accident.

Designs for the rejected homes just outside of Welton. | Photo: Turley Farms Ltd

“Eastfield Lane would need to be widened to cope with the traffic, but ditches on either side make this difficult. Accidents regularly occur each year on this bend.

“The development would lead to half a million extra car journeys each year.”

The field is earmarked for development in a draft of a future local plan, which is currently going through consultation, but isn’t in effect yet.

James Lambert, speaking on behalf of the applicant, said: “The council should give greater weight to the emerging local plan, particularly as there are exceptional circumstances.

“There is also the opportunity for more sustainable development, as the developer of a neighbouring site has expressed interest in access for their construction traffic through this site.

“Otherwise, they will have to use the village roads, creating more construction traffic and disruption for residents.

“There are significant benefits to this application, including 109 dwellings towards West Lindsey’s housing targets, 25% of which will be affordable, road and footpath improvements for Eastfield Lane, and investment in Welton.”

Access to the site has concerned many residents. | Photo: Google Maps

Council officers noted that these weren’t considered exceptional circumstances.

Ward Councillor Diana Rodgers urged the committee to reject it, saying: “In the fulfilment of time, this site may be needed but not now. Not until public services and infrastructure have caught up with demand.”

Officers recommended the committee reject the plan.

Councillor Roger Patterson said he couldn’t see “anyway of going against the recommendation”, and added that the current local plan was “watertight”.

The committee voted unanimously to reject the plans.