May 25, 2022 11.24 am This story is over 25 months old

Drug dealing machete man ordered to hand over just £815

He was taken to Lincoln after running up debts

A Nottingham man who made £6,000 after being “moved” to Lincoln to street deal in Class A drugs has been ordered to hand over £815 in cash.

Arturs Vilumovs, 22, was taken to two different addresses in Lincoln after running up a £2,000 debt.

Vilumovs, of Newark Crescent, Nottingham, was given a two year suspended jail sentence in February after police found a machete and haul of Class A drugs at his room in Portland Street, Lincoln.

Officers recovered 53 grams of crack-cocaine and 33 grams of heroin, together with a small amount of cannabis.

A Proceeds of Crime hearing at Lincoln Crown Court today (Wednesday) heard that Vilumovs made a benefit of £6,006 from his criminal activity in the city.

Noel Philo, prosecuting, said the only available assets belonging to Vilumovs was £815 in cash which was already in the possession of the police.

Recorder Graham Huston made a confiscation order in the sum of £815 and told Vilumovs he would face a jail sentence of four weeks if the money was not signed over within three months.

A destruction order was also made for the drugs and a machete which was found among clothing hidden under a bed being used by Vilumovs.

The court heard a set of scales and a list of names in a diary was also recovered from the property.

Vilumovs stayed silent during police interview but admitted he did recognise one key seized from Portland Street as being from his address in Nottingham and said he would be homeless without it.

He later claimed he had been offered the opportunity to work off his £2,000 debt in Lincoln after being told “it would be fun,” but was then robbed.

The purity of the crack-cocaine seized from Portland Street varied between 86% and 88%, which was high, the court was told.

Vilumovs was sentenced to two years imprisonment suspended for two years, and must also complete 25 rehabilitation days and 200 hours of unpaid work.

He admitted two charges of possessing Class A drugs with intent to supply and possessing cannabis following the raid on 18 March, 2020.