June 5, 2022 8.44 pm This story is over 26 months old

Missing: Darren, 39, from the Witham St Hughs area

Have you seen Darren?

We are appealing to the public to find Darren, 39, who is missing from the Witham St Hughs area near Lincoln.

He is described as white, 5ft 11 inches tall, with short dark brown hair and stubble, medium build and brown eyes. He has lots of tattoos. He was last seen at 2.20pm today (Sunday 5 June) wearing black trousers, brown boots and a green jacket.

He is believed to be on foot. At this stage we don’t know where he was heading, and we hope that someone may have knowledge of his whereabouts, or may have seen him and can provide information to aid our search.

If you can help, please call us on 101 quoting incident number 266 of today.