June 3, 2022 12.00 pm This story is over 26 months old

Uproar as Lincolnshire village road is set for 10mph rise to speed limit

It’s been 30mph for the past 25 years

The speed limit on a road in Saltfleetby is set to be raised by 10mph – to 40mph.

The 30mph speed limit on Main Road was introduced nearly 25 years ago following a national policy change which required the limit outside all statutory age schools in the county, regardless of the average traffic speed.

However, because of the closure of Saltfleetby Primary School in 2016 the road no-longer has to comply with the policy and Lincolnshire County Council now wants to raise it to 40mph like the rest of Main Road.

A report before the authority’s Planning and Regulation Committee on Monday said a number of objections and an online petition had been received in response to the request from Saltfleetby Parish Council for the limit to be reviewed.

Concerns include “the volume and speed of traffic and a belief that raising the limit here will result in a further rise in vehicle speeds and an increased risk of accidents”.

Instead, the objectors believe the rest of the Main Road should instead become a 30mph limit the whole way along.

The report said, however, that the 40mph change complies with the criteria and current policy.

“The county council’s speed limit policy has been devised to apply a consistent approach to the varying conditions which are found across such a large county,” said the documents.

“The mean speed of traffic is an accurate reflection of the speed at which most drivers choose to drive given the surrounding environment.

“Limits set too low may lead to driver frustration and injudicious overtaking.

“This is because the resultant inconsistent vehicle speeds making it difficult to judge the speed of oncoming vehicles.”

Data shows no reported injury accidents nearby in the past five years.

At the same meeting on Monday, councillors will look to reduce 40mph speed limits on Spilsby Road, Boston Road and Langton Hill in Horncastle to 30mph.

It follows a request from local residents and speed surveys show, although they would not normally be considered eligible for a reduction, the average speed of drivers on the road means they can be considered.