October 11, 2022 2.00 pm This story is over 20 months old

Spalding man bombarded ex partner with ‘up to 30 phone calls a day’

He was jailed after breaching a restraining order

A Spalding man who breached a restraining order by bombarding an ex-partner with up to 30 phone calls a day was today (Tuesday) jailed for one year and ten weeks.

Thomas Parr, 24, also carried out a string of crimes across the Spalding area after being bailed for the offence involving his ex-partner.

Lincoln Crown Court heard Parr began contacting his ex-partner in November last year after he was released from a previous jail sentence for going to her home in breach of the restraining order.

Leanne Summers, prosecuting, said Parr contacted his ex-partner nearly every day, with up to 30 calls in a 24 hour period.

In a victim impact statement the woman said she had been left depressed and struggling to sleep, and was concerned as Parr knew her address.

The calls continued until mid-December, Miss Summers told the court.

Parr then embarked on a crime spree in March this year which began when he was spotted on CCTV climbing over a fence and stealing a bike from FreshLinc Distribution.

He also carried out two non-domestic burglaries at Adams convenience store in the same month.

On the first occasion on March 24 Parr escaped with the till containing £700 after throwing a rock through the front door.

Parr returned a few days later and again took the till, this time containing £200, after forcing the door which had not been boarded up.

Miss Summers said Parr was also spotted on CCTV entering the staff area of Worldwide Fruit at 3.30am on March 28 while wearing a high-vis vest.

On that occasion Parr took £20-£30 from a coffee vending machine, the court heard.

Parr also admitted taking alcohol worth £210 from Sainsbury’s in Spalding and breaking into a car.

He was arrested with a small amout of cannabis in his possession but made no comment during police interview.

Samuel Lowne, mitigating, said Parr was left sofa surfing after being released from prison, and carried out most of the offences as a result of his crack-cocaine addiction.

“He has been off the drugs in prison and feels like a new man,” Mr Lowne added.”

“He just wants to contribute to society.”

Parr, formerly of Winsover Road, Spalding, admitted breaching a restraining order, two commercial burglaries, theft of a bike, two other theft charges and possessing a small amout of cannabis between November 24 and March 30.

Passing sentence Recorder David Allan told Parr the breach of the restraining order began the day after he was released from prison.

Parr was also made the subject of a five year restraining order relating to his ex-partner.