November 3, 2022 8.00 pm This story is over 25 months old

“Dispirited” and “demoralised” coast village after more caravans approved

But there was only one objection to it

An East Coast parish council said its village community has been “dispirited” and “demoralised” by the number of developments given permission since 2015.

East Lindsey District Council members marginally approved (with a vote of four to one and three abstentions) plans by Elms Leisure Park owner Darren Cragg to expand his existing business onto the former Addlethorpe Golf Course on Orby Road.

The development will include a new access path, including a bridge, for 56 static holiday caravans alongside five fishing ponds, a new nature trail, woodland and windflower areas.

However, Addlethorpe Parish Council has said the village’s label as a “medium sized village” in the council’s local plan is incorrect, and argue that it should instead be a “small village”.

Councillor Neville Towers, the authority’s chairman, has lived in the village for 79 years.

He said: “The transformation and changes that I’ve seen in this village, especially since 2015, has been awful.

“ELDC seems to have totally disregarded the wishes of the parishioners who have concerns about the growing development of caravan sites and the problems it brings to this small community.”

Concerns from the parish revolve around increased traffic, a lack of facilities in the village and increased littering.

“Residents frequently collect the litter to keep the village tidy. But the problems grow annually and this is demoralising,” said Councillor Towers.

“The cumulative effect of these on and other concerns are dispiriting for many in the community as they see their quality of life eroded.”

The application has been called in by ward Councillor Colin Davie. However, it had only received one letter of objection from an East Lindsey resident.

The village already faces applications totalling nearly 600 caravans and councillors argue the population is already outnumbered 7 to 1.

Council officers sad told councillors that the development complied with local and national planning policies and would not result in any undue or significant adverse effects on the area or its character.

John Pope, representing the Elms Caravan Park, told councillors that the site was an extension to an existing caravan park onto a golf course which was already “very well landscaped and screened from view”.

“The site is barely visible from Chapel Lane and only glimpses would be possible from Orby Road. There’d be no significant adverse effects on the surrounding character of the landscape and the proposal complies with the development plan,” he said.

He noted that statutory consultees such as Lincolnshire County Council Highways Authority had not raised any objections to the plans.

An image showing the proposed layout the Elms owners would like approved.

Councillor Terry Aldridge tried to argue the plans should be objected due to restrictions on caravan developments between Ingoldmells and Addlethorpe, however, officers told members the site was outside of these.

Councillor Neil Jones said the authority had previously “fought hard” to get the villages determined in the local plan adding “most of those around me would actually be delighted to be classified as a medium village”.

He added: “I’d think that this is another opportunity for jobs, revenue, competition within the area.

“You’ve got five fishing ponds, which can only help the local economy. I do hear what the people say, but in reality I can’t say that these 56 caravans are going to make any more difference.”