December 24, 2022 5.30 pm This story is over 18 months old

Flashback 2022: Naughty and nice councillors in the spotlight

Councillors who found themselves in hot water this year

They say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, but not all of the Lincolnshire councillors on this list would agree with that.

They made headlines for a variety of reasons this year, relating to everything from fraud and public outcry to dog poo and sausages.

One councillor was forced to resign over his comments, and others have issued apologies.

Meanwhile, another is enjoying her fame on Mock The Week repeats.

Here are some of the most memorable headlines involving council members from 2022.

Canada PM Hitler jibe lands member in hot water

South Kesteven District Councillor Dr Peter Moseley. | Image: SKDC

Councillor Dr Peter Moseley resigned from South Kesteven District Council after he accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of “going all Hitler on the population” with the introduction of vaccine mandates, saying he is “holding an entire country hostage.”

The Conservative councillor also tweeted the UK government were “bullying schoolchildren” over vaccinations.

Moseley was suspended from the South Kesteven Conservative Group, and spent a brief time as an independent before resigning.

He continued to stand by what he said, stating: “I make no apology for my comments. I have received literally hundreds of emails of support from around the world.

“The offended councillors have made the issue much bigger than it needs be for their own political reasons.”

Going out with a banger!

Jill Makinson-Sanders’ famous moment as a sausage for the Olympic Torch Relay was memorialised in the final live episode on Friday.

A Louth councillor made the final episode of Mock the Week in honour of her memorable cameo.

Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders dressed as a giant sausage for the 2012 Olympic Torch Relay to promote the Lincolnshire sausage.

It was picked up by the BBC comedy show, who joked the costume looked like “a massive penis”.

However, host Dara Ó Briain was offended by the suggestion he also had a strong resemblance.

“It does not look like me! My arms do not start above my chin,” he protested.

Councillor Makinson-Sanders said she didn’t mind her unexpected fame, saying it had become a running joke.

“I am always getting stopped in Louth by people saying they have seen me again,” she said.

Dog walker in deep doo doo

Councillor Malcolm Lamb says he never thought he would be an irresponsible dog owner | Photo: Submitted

A Louth town councillor apologised after he was caught on camera not picking up after his dog.

Councillor Malcolm Lamb was walking his pet when it pooed on a family’s doorstep.

After finding the unexpected present, they checked their doorbell camera to see what had happened.

Councillor Lamb said he was shocked to see the footage and simply hadn’t been paying attention.

“It certainly is a pretty good example of the problem the area has with a small minority of dog owners – I never imagined I would be one of them,” he said.

He has apologised, and said he should have cleaned it up.

Complaints over ageist comments

Councillor Colin Davie clarified what he had meant by the comments

A senior council leader became embroiled in an argument over ageism after complaining that young people were leaving the East Coast.

Councillor Colin Davie had originally said the coast was “haemorrhaging young people” who “don’t come back normally until their 40s”.

He said much of the population was “economically inactive, retirees and people who want to live on the coast, who contribute nothing but then who need services.”

David Summers, a former town councillor, said the quotes were ageist and implied that elderly people were a burden.

Councillor Davie apologised if his comments had been unclear, saying elderly people “make a valuable contribution to our local area – both economically and in terms of making this part of Lincolnshire a great place to be.”

Convicted former council leader released early

Former West Lindsey District Council Leader Giles McNeill appearing in court last year

A convicted fraudster councillor was released after serving just four months of his 14 month prison sentence.

Giles McNeill, the former leader of West Lindsey District Council, was jailed for stealing more than £30,000 from Conservative party funds.

The court heard his gambling addition led him to cash £20,000 in forged cheques and pocket £9,365 in cash from the Conservative party, including payments to attend a Boris Johnson speech.

However, he was released in March to the anger of his former colleagues.

Councillor Jackie Brockway (Conservative) said she was shocked by the release saying: “To let him out at this stage is a slap in the face.

“He was a public leader, he stole from us, and I do feel with elected councillors the bar is set higher than it is for other people.”

He has kept a low profile since his release and hasn’t made the news.

Councillor censured for ‘heated conversation’

Councillor Ashley Baxter.

Councillor Ashley Baxter (Alliance SK) has been censured after a hearing found that he had breached the Code of Conduct during a ‘heated conversation’.

The South Kesteven District councillor was reprimanded for how he spoke to a council officer following a meeting in March.

Councillor Baxter says he regretted his tone and had already apologised twice. As a result of the hearing, he will be censured on the council website and required to go on a training course.

Council leader Kelham Cooke said it was “extremely disappointing” to hear about the conduct.

A second complaint against Councillor Baxter was made on the behalf of the entire Conservative group at the same meeting. This wasn’t upheld by the hearing, who noted that the meeting was unusually disorganised.

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