January 9, 2023 9.11 am This story is over 24 months old

Call for ELDC councillor to resign after conviction for assaulting teen

Party supports councillor’s claim of self-defence

The leader of East Lindsey District Council has called for an opposition councillor to resign after they were convicted of assaulting a 14-year-old boy and stamping on his bicycle.

However, his party has defended him, saying that his court sanction was the correct route to go down. They said his actions was “a misjudgement” but was “in no way political”.

Labour Councillor Phillip Smith, 51, of Queen Street, Louth, admitted assault by beating and criminal damage at Boston Magistrate’s Court on December 21, 2022.

His address is the same on his East Lindsey Councillor web-page where he is listed as Phyll Smith, the ward member for Holton Le Clay and North Thoresby

He was ordered to pay nearly £500 in fines, compensation and court costs.

Conservative Council leader Craig leyland said the conviction raised “serious questions”, especially as members “often champion the issues affecting our younger and most vulnerable residents”.

“Councillor Smith should consider his position of trust with the public and while the council constitution and legislation does not demand his disqualification, he should act with integrity to maintain the dignity of the office.

“He should do the decent thing and resign.”

“How will it be possible for Cllr Smith to actively engage in council business where matters of safeguarding and well-being are being discussed when he is capable of assaulting a minor?

East Lindsey District Council leader Craig Leyland. | Photo: Daniel Jaines

However, group leader Councillor Ros Jackson said she had already investigated the incident and used a precedent set by previous complaints to the council to come to a resolution on whether the council’s code of conduct applied.

“The councillor concerned notified me of the situation just after it happened.

“We discussed the events, and I was able to come to the conclusion that he was not involved as a councillor or on party business.

“His action on the day was certainly a misjudgement but in no way a political act.”

During the court case, Smith was said to have been on Queen Street at 11.20am on November 4 when he saw two boys cycling down the street the wrong way.

Fiona McLellan, prosecuting, said Smith called out to them but they continued and the boy called out that they needed to go that way to get home, but Smith grabbed him by the arm and pulled him off his bicycle causing him to fall to the ground.

She said Smith then stamped on the wheel of the bicycle, damaging it.

Smith’s defence was that he felt intimated by the boys and that in particular he was blind in one eye and had a very narrow field of vision and depth perception and had felt very confused and traumatised by the boys on their bicycles.

He said he had wanted to make them aware he was there and had called out but they seemed to speed up and come quite close to him.

“At the end of the day this was just kids being kids,” he told the magistrates, “but that was not how I felt at the time.”

Councillor Jackson believed the matter was “ended”.

“Councillor Smith made a hasty and unwise decision, and he accepts this,” she said.

“That said, he acted as a partially-sighted individual, who felt under attack from cyclists riding in the wrong direction down a one-way street, when they in a split-second decided to take a further illegal action of riding directly at speed towards him.

“The youths admitted to this provocation in their court statements.”

Smith was fined £272 for the two offences, £100 compensation for the assault and the damage, and £108 in court costs and charges.

A spokesperson for ELDC confirmed no further action would be taken by the council itself.

“The disqualification criteria that apply to councillors that are sentenced through the criminal justice system is defined in legislation,” they said.

“This particular case has not resulted in a disqualification and as such there is no further action to be taken by the Council.”