February 15, 2023 4.45 pm This story is over 23 months old

Emotional Lincoln vigil in support of Turkey and Syria earthquake victims

Students and staff grateful for the support in Lincoln

Emotional and powerful speeches were heard as people gathered outside the University of Lincoln for a vigil to commemorate the victims of devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Over 41,000 people are known to have died in Turkey and Syria after last week’s earthquakes on February 6. Members of the University of Lincoln community stood alongside the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy who organised the event to show solidarity with the people affected.

A vigil was held at 12pm on Wednesday, February 15 on the Brayford Pool campus outside the Minerva Building at the front of the university.

People writing messages of support. | Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Turkish student Hatice Kubra Baki gave a powerful and emotional speech. | Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

More messages of support. | Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

After an introduction by University of Lincoln Chaplain Subash Chellaiah, students from Turkey, and a representative from the local mosque were among those to give speeches, along with Pro-Vice-Chancellor Craig Marsh.

Harriet Dempsey, President of the Red Cross on Campus society, read a poem she’d written to capture her view on the horrific tragedy.

University of Lincoln students from Turkey – Mazlum Bingol and Hatice Kubra Baki. | Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Hatice Kubra Baki, who studies biomedical sciences at the University of Lincoln, told The Lincolnite “I’m smiling because if I don’t smile I’ll cry”.

She said: “It just feels like every breath you take, every second you’re alive, you should be grateful for it because you don’t know what is going to happen and when, so it just made me realise that we’re all very mortal.”

Fellow Lincoln student Mazlum Bingol, who is also from Istanbul, said: “I think it’s really important that people came here to listen to us. It can create more awareness and it shows solidarity.”

Yavuz Pala is from the east side of Turkey and a PhD researcher at Lincoln. | Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Yavuz Pala, who is from the east side of Turkey and a PhD researcher at Lincoln, was pleased to see all the support from people at the vigil and said: “We are very thankful and grateful to you all for all your support in standing in solidarity.”

University of Lincoln Chaplain Subash Chellaiah said: “I think it’s important because we have students who have been affected. The chaplaincy is open to give a safe space and pastoral support to students and staff who are impacted. We are in solidarity with the people of Turkey and Syria.”

University of Lincoln Chaplain Subash Chellaiah gave an introduction at the vigil where people gathered together to show their support. | Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

There were collection boxes at the vigil and a fundraising page has also been set up by the University of Lincoln’s Red Cross on Campus society – donations can be made here.

Students in need of support can email [email protected], phone 01522 837080, or drop into the Student Support Centre. Chaplains will also be offering their help to staff and students.

Meanwhile, plans are also being finalised for a march of solidarity which will take place later this month.

See more of our photo gallery from the vigil below:

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

University of Lincoln Chaplain Subash Chellaiah and Pro-Vice-Chancellor Craig Marsh in attendance at the vigil. | Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

| Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

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