February 28, 2023 8.46 am This story is over 18 months old

Scunthorpe football offender given suspended prison sentence

On New Year’s Day most people would be celebrating the beginning of the new year. But for one Scunthorpe United supporter it ended in his arrest after he assaulted a steward at an away fixture at Chesterfield Town.

Paul Hinsley, aged 48, of Tomlinson Avenue, Scunthorpe, clearly had not learned his lesson after his two previous football banning orders when he kicked a steward who had asked him to not to smoke under the stadium.

Hinsley took exception to the steward’s request and kicked out at him. Officers were quick to support the steward and arrested Hinsley leading him appearing in court on Monday 13 February 2023.

District Judge Davison said, “At our initial meeting Mr Hinsley, I made it quite clear that my starting point today was a term of imprisonment. Having taken into account the most articulated mitigation, I am sentencing you to the following:

“16 weeks imprisonment, suspended for 12 months, 10 days rehabilitation with probation, 90 days alcohol monitoring device attached as of 13/02/2023, 150 hrs Community Service, £300 compensation, £154 victim surcharge, £85 costs, 28-day collection order which ends 13th March (and a) five-year Football Banning Order (FBO) with all relative conditions.”

Superintendent Paul French said, “This was the third football banning order for Mr Hinsley, hence the five-year order being granted.

“I certainly hope that he will consider his actions and understand that this type of behaviour is not tolerated at any football match.

“We have dedicated football officers who continue to work closely with other forces to keep genuine football supporters and the matchday stewards safe. No matter where a football offence occurs, offenders will be dealt with in the same robust manner.”