May 16, 2017 3.52 pm This story is over 87 months old

Decision to be made on private Lincoln medical village

The City of Lincoln Council’s planning committee will decide on proposals for a new private medical village near to the Arboretum at a meeting next week. Proposals by applicant Dr Sharaf Salem would provide a range of private medical practices and a range of services on Lindum Terrace. They are also expected to create around 50…

The City of Lincoln Council’s planning committee will decide on proposals for a new private medical village near to the Arboretum at a meeting next week.

Proposals by applicant Dr Sharaf Salem would provide a range of private medical practices and a range of services on Lindum Terrace. They are also expected to create around 50 new jobs.

Designs include a mix of primary and secondary health care services, between two and three GP surgeries, an intensive care unit, operating theatres and between 20 and 30 overnight beds and respite care.

Construction work would require the refurbishment, conversion and expansion of a number of buildings on Lindum Terrace, as well as demolition of some properties to make way for additional accommodation.

Many of the buildings currently on the site, which is listed as a Conservation area, have been vacant for some time and the land has become overgrown.

The period buildings would retain featured in the rebuild.

The applicant adds in the design statement that “The medical village will provide accommodation which offers new flexible and high quality environments for a range of private medical practices.

“The objective is to develop a range of services nd facilities that are not currently provided by the NHS in Lincoln.

“A significant amount of research has been undertaken identifying a need in Lincoln and in the area around Lindum Terrace in particular.

“There is increasing pressure on existing surgeries to comply with modern standards required by the CQC and it is understood that a number of consultants at Lincoln Hospital are looking for private facilities.”

It has been recommended that the application is approved by the planning committee at a meeting on May 24 with a number of conditions.