November 23, 2017 4.18 pm This story is over 81 months old

Christmas reindeer greet crowds in Lincoln

The parade will start at 6pm tonight.

Santa’s reindeer made a stop at St Marks earlier today as they prepared for an annual parade through the city.

The six reindeer caused a stir in the area with hundreds of residents watching the festive animals who made the trip from the Cairngorms mountains in Scotland.

LIVE: Reindeers at Lincoln St Marks ahead of the parade later today.Full details of the event here –

Posted by The Lincolnite on Thursday, 23 November 2017

The parade will commence at 6pm where the reindeer will be pulling Santa’s sleigh up Lincoln High Street.

Leonie Palmer, one of the organisers for the event, told The Lincolnite: “The reindeer have come down from the Caringorms, Scotland and that’s where they will be free ranging on the hill, however they come down here for Christmas events, so they’ll be in this pen for a couple of hours where there’ll do a parade.

“I’m really looking forward to the parade, there will be a lot of people and it’s a really nice event and we have friendly reindeer today.”

Earlier this month animal rights protesters demanded for the parade to be cancelled, however Leonie urged the protests to come and see how the reindeer normally live.

“What [the protestors] should do is see where these animals live normally up on the hills, because it’s right up in the mountains, we don’t keep them in fields all year, they’re free range in a beautiful environment.

“I’d say it’s the nicest environment in the UK.”