March 18, 2019 5.11 pm This story is over 65 months old

Brazen dealers caught selling Mamba in broad daylight jailed

Caught red handed

Two men caught selling mamba in broad daylight in Lincoln city centre were thrown behind bars.

Reece Taylor and Ian Lawrie attracted attention when they were seen in St Swithin’s Square with a group of men at lunchtime on February 15.

Mark Knowles, prosecuting, told Lincoln Crown Court: “One of the males handed Taylor something which was believed to be money. Taylor was seen to take a plastic bag from his pocket and put it into his hand.”

Taylor and Lawrie then walked to Guildhall Street where they sat outside a cafe.

Mr Knowles said that Lawrie passed a sports bag to Taylor who walked off to a nearby arcade where he was involved in a further deal selling mamba.

Taylor returned to the cafe and then they left only to be stopped by police and searched. They both of them had mamba on them with a street value of between £500 and £800.

Mobile phones found on them indicating they were involved in selling mamba.

Mr Knowles said that just 11 days earlier Taylor was found with a stash of mamba in his room at the Pathways Centre. Staff had gone to his room to carry out a welfare check after he was found unconscious on the bed.

Reece Taylor, 20, of Beaumont Fee, Lincoln, admitted charges of possession of a quantity of a synthetic cannabinoid with intent to supply on February 15 and on February 4 this year. He was jailed for 15 months.

Lawrie, 29, who at the time was staying at the Nomad Centre on Monks Road, Lincoln, admitted possession of a synthetic cannabinoid with intent to supply on February 15. He was jailed for eight months.

James Gray, for Taylor, said he was dealing in drugs to fund his own habit.

David Eager, for Lawrie, said that since being remanded into custody following his arrest he has sought help for his drug problem.

“This was supply of the drug to which he was addicted himself.

“Since he has been in prison he has worked to stay drug free. He has done the physically hard thing of coming off these drugs.”