January 27, 2020 4.46 pm This story is over 55 months old

Search begins for demon barber and cast of Lincoln Sweeney Todd show

Do you want to be involved on or back stage?

Get ready for blood, romance and laughter as a local theatre company looks for a demon barber, Mrs Lovett, Judge Turpin and more in upcoming auditions for the 2020 production of Sweeney Todd.

The County Amateur Operatic Dramatic Society (CAODS), who brought Evita to life at Lincoln’s New Theatre Royal in 2019, will return to the venue for its production of an infamous tale of love, revenge and pies.

A launch event will be held at the New Theatre Royal Lincoln at 7.30pm on Thursday, February 6, which is open to anyone 16 and over who would like to get involved with the production on stage or backstage. The event is open to anyone from seasoned performers to newcomers.

Sweeney Todd will run at the Lincoln venue from November 6 to 14, 2020. Tickets priced at £21 are now on sale by clicking here or by calling 01522 519999.

Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler’s theatrical treat has impressed audiences since being awarded eight Tony awards on its Broadway premiere.

The story, which was also given the Hollywood treatment in a film starring Johnny Depp, will now be performed on stage in Lincoln.

Under the direction of Lyndon Warnsby, CAODS will perform Sweeney Todd on stage in Lincoln, accompanied by David William’s 20-piece orchestra.