February 10, 2020 5.03 pm This story is over 54 months old

Gamers master incredible Red Arrows displays

They have over 80k YouTube subscribers

A group of gamers has gone viral by mastering some of the most technical Red Arrows displays

The Red Sparrows, set up last year, has racked up over 80,000 subscribers with their videos on Grand Theft Auto V.

‘Brad’ runs the channel and got a crack team of nine pilots together who are all fascinated by the Red Arrows, based at RAF Scampton north of Lincoln.

When the Red Sparrows get up in the air, they do a great job of emulating all of the most difficult manoeuvres.

The “palm split.” Photo: The Red Sparrows/YouTube

Photo: The Red Sparrows/YouTube

One of the most mesmerising is known as the ‘Tornado’ where a pair of pilots roll around the smoke trail of the others in formation.

The channel’s owner, who tries to keep his identity anonymous, even revealed that he met Red 10, Adam Collins, at an air show.

His dad filmed the interaction on his phone, and Red 10 said he had in fact seen the videos online and praised him for the hard work.