May 20, 2020 2.53 pm This story is over 51 months old

Lancaster model damaged in Lincoln

Vandals have taken the wings from the Lancaster bomber sculpture

By Local Democracy Reporter

A wooden sculpture of a Lancaster Bomber has been vandalised in Lincoln city centre.

The wings of the plane model have been torn off, despite being bolted to the base originally.

It is located outside Lincoln Central bus station and has been there since 2018.

The damage was discovered and reported to authorities on Tuesday, May 19 and it looks like the sculpture is now going to be removed for repairs.

The plane was funded by the Lincoln Business Improvement Group and was commissioned to celebrate the RAF’s 100th anniversary in 2018.

Sarah Loftus, CEO of Lincoln BIG, said: “Everyone was extremely upset, especially as it was so close to VE Day.

“We are removing it from the city to get this fixed and then it will return at a later date.

“Hopefully it won’t be too long, but that will be dependant on being able to get it fixed under the current COVID-19 social distancing guidelines.”

It is still unclear who caused the damage.