August 12, 2016 10.29 am This story is over 96 months old

Gallery: Behind the scenes at RAF Coningsby Air Traffic Control

Ever wondered what challenges face the air traffic controllers leading high performance aircraft such as the Typhoon and Tornado in the heart of Lincolnshire? Controllers at RAF Coningsby have given a fascinating insight into their dynamic work station, where teams are tasked with safely coordinating a range of aircraft including the Battle of Britain Memorial…

Ever wondered what challenges face the air traffic controllers leading high performance aircraft such as the Typhoon and Tornado in the heart of Lincolnshire?

Controllers at RAF Coningsby have given a fascinating insight into their dynamic work station, where teams are tasked with safely coordinating a range of aircraft including the Battle of Britain Memorial flight.

Air Traffic Control (ATC) at the RAF base is a challenging and dynamic environment that requires high levels of team work and the ability to process large amounts of information and use it effectively.

The team work in a unique and unusual environment in that SNCO controllers and Junior Officer controllers (and the Senior ATC Officer) do the exact same job when controlling aircraft and must be able to overlook rank to work effectively as a team.

At Coningsby ATC, Sgt / FS controllers act as the managers of the visual control room giving direction to Junior Officers and Flight Operations Assistants alike.

Teams must expeditiously and safely control high performance aircraft such as the Typhoon and Tornado, but also coordinate and work with other aircraft operating in the Lincolnshire area such as Tutors from RAFC Cranwell and American F15’s from RAF Lakenheath.

Controllers at Coningsby also have to help facilitate the work of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight that provides a unique challenge that cannot be found anywhere else in the RAF.

As well as supporting routine daily flying, controllers are required to support QRA(S) by having a minimum of two controllers manning the tower at high readiness 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Air traffic control officers are charged with keeping our skies safe. These trained leaders manage the teams that help our air crews complete missions smoothly.