June 9, 2018 12.41 pm This story is over 74 months old

Lincolnshire people named in Queen’s birthday honours

They were nominated and chosen by a committee relevant to their industries.

Twelve Lincolnshire residents have been named in the Queen’s birthday honours list.

Five of them were made Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) as part of the list.

The other seven were selected as Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE).

The full list features around 1,350 people for a variety of honours including MBEs, CBEs, OBEs, and knighthoods.

This is the second honours list of the year, with the first being published at the New Year.

Those honoured are nominated and then chosen by a committee relevant to their industry.


Robert Hugh Sheldon

For services to the community in Thorpe on the Hill

Robert Sheldon was awarded his MBE for services to the community in Thorpe on the Hill. Photo: Robert Sheldon

Robert Sheldon is a farmer and member of Newark NFU. He is the former chair of the Newark & Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society and current Chair of the Midlands Machinery Show Committee.

In 2016 he was awarded a Gold Medal for Services to Agriculture at the Nottinghamshire County Show.

He is actively involved in the community in Thorpe on the Hill and Since 1974 he has been a Parish Councillor, Chair and Vice-Chair for the village. He was actively involved in the planning and design stages for a War Memorial in the village and assisted in the building of the Oliver Roper Parish Meeting Room, which also acts as a village hall.

For the last 10 years he has been a key negotiator in transferring a lake from a local business to the Parish Council. Up until 2014 he had been a Governor at St Michael’s School for over 25 years with some of those as Chair.

He has acted as a churchwarden at St Michael’s and All Saints Church for over 20 years.

He is a Trustee for Upshall Charity and the Oliver Roper Recreation Charity and is a founder member of the Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire committee of the Air Ambulance.

“I’m honoured and humbled to be given this MBE. I mean, I just think of myself as a regular guy. This recognition reflects on all my friends and contemporaries I’ve worked with over the years.”

Stephanie Barbara Shields

For services to Conservation Heritage

Stephanie Shields was awarded her MBE for services to Conservation Heritage. Photo: Stephanie Shields

Stephanie Shields played a major role in nurturing and successfully merging two national organisations, the Association of Gardens Trusts and the Garden History Society, to create the new Gardens Trust.

The Trust is now a thriving forum for research into and promotion of gardens and gardening. A Garden’s Trust paper was presented to the Public Parks Communities and Local Government Committee Enquiry on the impact of reduced local authority budgets, which was adopted by the Enquiry.

She is highly respected by the 36 county Gardens Trusts and the 9,000 volunteers across the country.

She is also respected as an expert and scholar on the iconic landscape architect, Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown. She played a major role building partnerships in the 2016 national Capability Brown Festival.

She organised a highly successful London contemporary photography exhibition on Brown landscape. Her book ‘Moving Heaven and Earth: Capability Brown’s Gift of Landscape’ was a finalist in the Inspirational Book of the Year category at the Garden Media Guild Awards.

“I am surprised, and delighted, to receive this honour, especially as it should hopefully help to raise the profile of the conservation and education work of the Lincolnshire Gardens Trust and also the over-arching national charity The Gardens Trust caring for historic parks and gardens.”

Helen Margaret Laverty

For services to Nursing

Helen Laverty was awarded her MBE for services to Nursing. Photo: University of Nottingham

Helen Laverty has used her expertise in learning disability nursing to shaping Government policy on health and social care.

She has also been influential in the education and development of more than 700 learning and disability nurses at the University of Nottingham.

She is a passionate advocate and supporter of those living with leaning disabilities and founded Positive Choices in 2004 – the only national network of learning disability students, academics, employers and people with a learning disability in the UK.

Through the network she also delivered an annual conference on learning disability in Dublin this year, which saw over 700 delegated travel to be part of proceedings.

Her work also saw her team up with charity Down’s Heart Group to produce a book about care for children in a respite challenge. More recently she partnered with Cornwall Down’s syndrome Support Group to produce Going to tea at Grandma’s, a picture book celebrating the role that grandparents play in family life where one child has Down’s syndrome.

“I still don’t really have words to express how delighted and honoured I am.  This award is just the icing on the cake of what has been an amazing year so far and we are only half way through.”

Mary Nelson

For services to The Girl Guides Association in Lincolnshire.

Mary Nelson has been honoured for her role as president of the North-East Lincolnshire Girl Guides.

No picture available.

Anne-Maria Newham

For services to Nursing

Anne-Maria Newham was awarded her MBE for services to Nursing. Photo: Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Anne-Maria Newham, Director of Nursing, AHPs and Quality has been made an MBE for services to nursing at Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT).

Anne-Maria’s contribution to nursing over her 35 year career in the NHS has spanned several roles. She was awarded Florence Nightingale Travel Scholarship in 2014 and Winston Churchill Fellowship in 2015.

She has had an extraordinary impact on the quality of services LPFT  provides for their patients and carers, as well as the support she affords her nursing and care colleagues from across the organisation and beyond.

Anne-Maria is also a member of the editorial board of the British Journal of Nursing, a Clinical Trustee for Rainbows Children’s Hospice, Clinical Trustee for ADHD Solutions and an active Soroptimist.


Gillian Margaret Alton – For services to Education

Gill Alton is CEO of the Grimsby Institute Group. Gill’s award was made in recognition of her unwavering commitment to further education and for her achievements in ensuring further and higher education in Grimsby, Scarborough and Rotherham played a major part in the development of hundreds of young people and adults.

It also recognises the focus that Gill has had on engaging the business community to support further and higher education.

She said: ““I was completely overwhelmed and humbled when I heard the news.

“I’d like to acknowledge and thank the people I’ve worked with, who are the very best in the sector and have achieved wonderful things for Rotherham, Grimsby and Scarborough – this award is really a result of their hard work.”

Patricia Anne Bradwell – For services to Local Government

Lincolnshire County Council deputy leader Patricia Bradwell

Patricia has served on the Local Government Association’s National Children’s Board and has for a number of years been Chairperson of the East Midlands Children’s Forum. She joined Lincolnshire County Council in 1997 and represented the Metheringham Rural Division for 19 years and, since the last election, Woodhall Spa and Wragby.

Deborah Marie Barnes – For services to Children’s Social Care

Debbie joined the council in 2006 establishing strong partnership safeguarding arrangements through the Safeguarding Children Board.

Nationally, she leads on educational achievement for the Association of Directors of Children’s Services and until recently co-chaired the government working party on improving the education of looked after children. She has presented at both national and international conferences on best practice in children’s services.

Also receiving OBEs

  • Karen Hoe – For services to children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
  • Stephen Edward Leone – For services to Education and Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
  • Christopher Paul Illsley – For services to charity in Lincolnshire.
  • James Mcquade – For services to Music in the community of Sleaford, Lincolnshire.