July 10, 2018 2.43 pm This story is over 73 months old

Notorious teen given ASBO injunction

He must abide by a set of conditions

A Lincolnshire teenager has been given an injunction after a court case ruled his ongoing spate of anti-social behaviour caused undue harassment and distress to residents of Crowland.

The case followed extended work between South Holland District Council and South Holland Police after residents of Crowland reported ongoing problems caused by the 15-year-old boy’s behaviour.

Before an injunction is sought an individual is given significant opportunity to change their behaviour.

Injunction conditions

For the next six months he will be unable to:

  • Display or encourage any rude, offensive, indecent, obscene or aggressive behaviour publicly within the District of South Holland.
  • Throw or encourage the throwing of any missile or object at any person or property.
  • Cause or encourage the causing of damage to any property within the District of South Holland.
  • Knock on doors, rings bells or bang windows on any property within District of South Holland, or encourage anyone else to do so.
  • Congregate in any bus shelter within Crowland, save for when waiting for a scheduled school bus service or when accompanied by a parent.
  • Be in a group of four or more people within the district of South Holland, except when at school or college, when involved in a school or college pre-arranged event, or in any event as approved by South Holland District Council, or the Youth Offending Service.

The boy must also attend specific sessions directed by the Youth Offending Service and continue to engage with the Lincoln County Council Positive Futures programme.

If he fails to do so it could lead to a Supervision Order or a Detention Order being awarded.

Portfolio Holder for Communities at South Holland District Council, Councillor Gary Taylor, said: “That we were able to obtain this injunction is a testament to the willingness of the people of Crowland to report anti-social behaviour to both the district council and local police.

“We remain committed to tackling anti-social behaviour throughout the district, and to achieve this it is so important that we are made aware of residents’ concerns via the correct channels.

“I would like to thank all of those who have worked on this case, as well as everyone who provided evidence and to the Parish Council and residents of Crowland for their continued support.”

Anyone wishing to report anti-social behaviour can contact the council’s community safety team on 01775 761161 or click here.