October 17, 2018 11.00 am This story is over 70 months old

‘BOB’ graffiti scrawled across Bourne

A number of locations have been vandalised with graffiti

A cemetery in the southern area of Bourne is among the locations vandalised by someone graffitiing the word ‘BOB’ in the market town.

Bourne & Billingborough NPT posted on social after a visit to the cemetery showed that someone had been defacing grave stones and the shelter at the same location.

Police are keen to catch whoever has been graffitiing the word ‘BOB’ in the southern area of Bourne. Photo: Bourne & Billingborough NPT

More of the graffiti. Photo: Bourne & Billingborough NPT

The graffiti has appeared in other areas of the town with one poster in the Facebook group Bourne Rural Lincs, Lincolnshire (Group) saying “Headstart nursery, Jewsons & a car along Great Northern Gardens can be added to the list of properties these morons are defacing.”

Someone’s work van has also been vandalised with the same word.

Anyone with information should contact 101 or private message the Bourne & Billingborough NPT Facebook page.