February 19, 2019 11.17 am This story is over 66 months old

Burst water main causes Horncastle disruption

Fix expected in the afternoon

A burst water main has caused an interruption to the supply in Horncastle with the possibility of low pressure or no water.

Anglian Water are working to fix the problem with an estimated restoration time of 4pm.

To keep up-to-date with the latest information on this issue click here and type in your postcode.

The affected area in Horncastle. Photo: Anglian Water

Anglian Water said: “We’re really sorry but some customers in Horncastle may have very low water pressure or no water at all.

“We’ve identified a burst water main in your area that we’re working hard to get fixed, so that we can get your supply back to normal as soon as possible.

“This should be by 4pm today but we’ll update this message if anything changes.

“Again we’re really sorry we’ve inconvenienced you and thanks for your patience.”

It is advised that after any interruption to the water supply it may look a little cloudy or discoloured when it’s back on. When this happens just run the tap for a few minutes and it should be clear.