December 11, 2020 2.26 pm This story is over 44 months old

Convicted rapist on the run in Lincoln, again

He could be in Lincoln in the Ermine area

By Local Democracy Reporter

A 28-year-old convicted rapist from Lincoln is wanted by police for the third time since his release from prison, this time for failing to comply with a court order.

William Clawson, 28, was sentenced to seven years in prison for the rape of a woman in Lincoln back in 2011.

He was released in January 2019 and since then has been wanted by police a further two times, once for prison recall and again for threats to kill.

Police believe that he could be in the Lincoln or Ermine area, and he has been previously reported as being a serious danger to women.

Anyone who has seen him is being asked to call 101 and quote incident 62 of December 10.

Alternatively, you can email [email protected] and use the same incident number in the subject box.