December 18, 2020 1.12 pm This story is over 44 months old

Ghostly stories raise money for Lincoln food bank

Rising spirits during a difficult year

By Local Democracy Reporter

Staff at the University of Lincoln have released a book of ghost stories to raise money for Lincoln Community Larder.

Ghosts, Ghouls, and Other Things to Run From: An Anthology of Terrifying Tales and Scary Stories can be bought in both eBook and paperback via the Amazon Kindle store, costing £4.99.

All proceeds from sales will go directly to Lincoln Community Larder, in an attempt to ‘raise spirits’ during a difficult 2020 for all.

All the authors and contributors of the book. | Photo: University of Lincoln

The collection of eight ghost stories has been written by staff and friends from the University of Lincoln, with tales including a re-imagined version of A Christmas Carol.

As well as this, there are tales of reapers, goat men and eerie family histories.

Prepare for a scare while also raising money for charity. | Photo: University of Lincoln

Author Tim Marks said: “Lots of people have found different ways to help those most in need over the past year.

“We wanted to do something for our local community, and also be creative together as friends and colleagues.

“It’s been a time when people could easily feel a bit lonely so we’ve mucked in to give each other a lift, and in the process, we can hopefully raise lots of money for the brilliant Lincoln Community Larder.”

| Photo: Lincoln Community Larder

Alan Wilson, chairman of Lincoln Community Larder, said the charity is delighted the University of Lincoln has done this.

“We are particularly grateful to the authors for this initiative, which will benefit those in need of food and basic amenities at a time when there is an uplift in demand.”