December 21, 2020 1.50 pm This story is over 44 months old

Teen jailed for one punch manslaughter

Three years jail as victim’s children heartbroken

By Local Democracy Reporter

A teenager whose single punch killed a father of four in Boston has been jailed for three years.

19-year-old Hikmet Maez assaulted Gediminas Vaitkus, 43, on Red Lion Street at around 6.15pm on July 28.

Gediminas, of Tunnard Street, Boston, suffered serious injuries which proved to be fatal as a result of the assault.

He had gone to the shop to buy alcohol where he was prodded and pushed by Maez in the back.

Maez then threw a glass bottle at the victim, which Mr. Vaitkus managed to block, before following him along the street and kicking him in the leg as well as punching him in the face.

The victim has been named as Gediminas Vaitkus. | Photo: Lincolnshire Police

The punch caused Vaitkus to fall to the ground and suffer a fatal brain injury by banging his head on the floor as he fell.

Hikmet Maez, 19, of Spilsby Road, Boston, was charged with GBH after the incident, and has since pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

During his sentencing at Lincoln Crown Court on Monday, December 21, Maez was given three years in prison.

After he was sentenced, Maez offered his sincere apologies to the family of his victim.

The children of the victim paid tribute to their father’s life as well as speaking about their devastation in a statement.

Gediminas’ 19-year-old daughter, who wishes not to be named, said: “Not a day goes by that we do not think about our dear dad. We are truly and deeply devastated.

“My seven-year-old brother is finding it so difficult to deal with dad’s passing and is constantly asking mum when he will get to see his dad.

“It breaks our heart having to tell him that dad will never be returning.

“Our dear dad was a devoted family man and loved us all, including his mum and siblings who are also finding it extremely hard to cope with, especially him being the youngest of four.

“It has been the worst thing we have ever had to go through and we truly hope that no one ever has to suffer the pain that we have been through due to a careless act that happened whilst he was simply walking home.

“Our dad loved life and his freedom, who worked hard to make sure me and my brother were both happy at all times.

“We, as a family, are still struggling to come to terms with not being able to see our loved one again, it’s hard to believe that that is the reality we are going to have to live with.

“We have been torn into pieces and we miss our dad more and more everyday.”